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About Trident

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  1. RP Name: SC CPL Trident Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:118444695 Age: 21 Gender: Male Timezone: UCT (aka Hawaii) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): Because I love to make an impact in the community pure and simply put. I was an EA on Icefuse military RP and I want to impact this server in a positive way. I feel like my experience in other communities such as some on Arma III and Gmod would make me a fair admin. I am not that big into making a harsh punishment and jumping right into a decision like many inexperienced admins do something I am very fair and will fight and argue if there is a to harsh punishment or if I feel like it needs to be harsher. I will also make judgments based on the situation at hand and if I feel like there could be a more fitting punishment besides jailing or banning I will do my best to come put with one. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am active duty Army. I have been apart of many communities and I am very easy to get along with. I argue for a server to get better and try to influence the server as best as I can.
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