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About maltross

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  1. I paid for VIP the 3rd day I was on haha. I did tryout for naval but apparently the guy doing tryouts said. I did a face movement wrong or something. Like a left when I wasnt supposed to. I really dont know. I will tryout again.
  2. Why would RC bean me or nobody seek me out?
  3. Also, that's fine. It would feed his fear I believe. Guards use force quickly it seems. Maybe they know more about a different path.....
  4. He won't break it. Not yet. Like I said its self role play that anyone is welcome to participate. Maybe he becomes a dark jedi game makers can use later. Ive played d&d and many others rps for a long time. This is what keeps me on the server
  5. So I failed the padawan trials..wow. But it has opened up rp that I will be doing as I often do on this server. My youngling will now be walking around the temple in anger. Jealous of the now padawans as they display their lightsabers and he will begin sneaking and trying to find anything he can to build his own version of one. He awaits someone who will be able to show him a different path. I know that it probably won't get far. But I actually enjoy the rp here. Thanks for making this server that I spend more time in than working every week haha
  6. Hey Ryx I've seen you around. Hopefully we can shoot some clankers together sometime
  7. Hello guys, just a post to say just that. Name is also maltross in game. Currently a member of the 41st and would love to rp with anyone in game that seeks it.
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