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  1. Its not a terribly big issue, just figured I'd post about it and include the new stats. It's definitely interesting.
  2. You owe me money for saying that.
  3. With some testing, the 212th has concluded that the RPS-6 is now a high caliber shoulder-mounted anti-material rifle. It deals 200 damage up close, but at range deals 300 damage. There is no headshot multiplier.
  4. Waterman

    RPS-6 Concern

    Myself and several other troopers in the 212th have noticed odd things in regards to our RPS-6 launchers. They no longer fire rockets, but rather a blaster bolt that causes a concussive blast on impact, which causes no damage within its AOE. In addition, we found that direct impacts from these bolts have a similar damage output to that of a sniper rifle, dealing around 200hp in damage. Has someone sabotaged our ammunition caches? I'm not too sure. However, this is something that I think should be looked into, or at least acknowledged. In the event that we have to take down a large group of hostiles, or a vehicle of sorts, we'd be out of luck. Best regards, Bear <3
  5. I was never a medic, but yeah sure I guess long range rifles and rocket propelled grenades have a similar affect to healing. Thx bby <3
  6. Literally gonna cry myself to sleep tonight. I'll miss you ;-;
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