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About StarDrain

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  1. RP Name: 501st HWS SGT Star Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:153813302 VIP (Y/N): N Age: 15 Timezone: PST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I should be apart of the staff team because I want to help out the community and support others when they need a staff member. I also want to be apart of the staff team because I want to experience again the satisfaction of helping out many people. I am excited to do the work that being a staff member entails and it will grant the satisfaction. I want to turn myself into an efficient worker for the people of the server, so that no one has any problems and everyone can enjoy the server as it is meant to be played. In addition, I feel that I need to show people what I can do, given an administrative position, and that I can efficiently overcome obstacles that are presented. I am looking for a suitable job/task that is able to keep me busy, as well as something that I would like to partake in. Furthermore I want to be apart of an organized team of people who are all working towards the same goal. I also believe the staff team would have another solid foundation if I were to join the ranks. I am looking forward to doing the tasks and work of a staff member, which would bring efficiency to the server in helping people. In addition, I am not afraid to take action when it is needed. If there is some dispute, quarrel, etc, it should be my job to help the associated parties to come to a solution if my help is requested. Not only can I take action when needed, I can also be strict/harsh onto those who break the rules. Rules are in place for a reason, so cracking down on those who plan to break them is a suitable job for myself. Not only can this be asked of myself, but it can also be asked that I be mature at all times. I am not new to being professional and mature at all times, and it would be a welcome change to what I have been doing recently. This doesn’t mean that I can’t joke around every once in a while and be friendly to other people, but I will take this staff job seriously, and I will do what is required to keep such job Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am 15 years old and i will be 16 in one month. My birthday is March 30 I am dedicated to playing on this server. I am a Latino from Mexico that was born here in the U.S. I have been a fan of star wars since i can remember. I am pretty much a star wars nerd since i know Star wars the old republic and most comics. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: Yes I have been a previous Trial Mod on Icefuse CWrp How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: | 501st HWS SGT Star has played for 14:13:33.
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