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Everything posted by buttermoe

  1. good luck my guy! hope the cia treats you good! o7
  2. +1 He's been doing a good job in my opinion, creates rp when there's nothing going on in the server, pretty good guy.
  3. +1 Good Person And Would Be A Great Addition
  4. I think he should get one more chance, even though he's had many past offences and all that, he's made really good events/encounters. From what I’ve heard, he's been a pretty good guy. You could've done done so many other things to be able to level up as a jedi but doing what you did was heartbreaking. I think that he should have a ban, but maybe a perma might be a bit too much, maybe allow him into the TS, and maybe give him a long ban, but not perma. I'm going to give him a +1, I hope you don't take this for granted and change for the better...
  5. 4/4 Amazing Encounter, Had A Lot Of Fun
  6. +1 Amazing Trooper, Would Be An Amazing Staff, Keep Up The Good Work
  7. +1 You Silly Goose. Good Friend And Good Trooper.
  8. Title of Thread: CWRP - (Setogaya's) Staff Application RP Name: TR DU ENGO Captain Setogaya Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79629650 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 16 Timezone: EST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be an administrator because I want to be able to help the community out with as much stuff as I possibly can. I want to be able to help people who need help with something that they're doing or something that they're helping with. I want to be able to make other admin's jobs easier by being able to take tickets that people create. I wish to be able to help with events/encounters when GM's need it. I enjoy helping other people with whatever situation that they're in, it motivates me to do more throughout the day. I'd like to be able to host events and encounters because they seem like fun for the players and it gives different sub-branches the ability to do what they're supposed to do depending on the event. I'm usually really active during the day and I can be active during the late nights when a lot of people have logged off. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm very patient and hard working, but try to get the job done the best I can and as fast as I can. I try my best to improve my skills and abilities to help other people out. I like to joke around a lot with some friends but can become serious when needed to be. I'm usually really active during the day because I enjoy playing games and enjoy playing on the server. Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: I have previous staff experience with a Jailbreak server named Hearthigen back in 2017. I was able to deal with different types of reports that people have made. I was usually one of the first people to respond to a report. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 280:36:08 as of 3/21/20
  9. Amazing Event, Loved It! 4/4
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