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Everything posted by Rey

  1. If I'm wrong on that im probably wrong on other things so would just like to be cleared up
  2. Alright can i ask what he was banned for his beefs with people and how he has improved?
  3. It isnt his second chance its his third or fourth
  4. Set up a system where evidence is required or its witch hunting witch hunters. I'd hate to see this abused as well be careful how you implement this. The road to hell is paved in good intentions
  5. Id say interaction more with other battalions. I was teamed with a cg and it overall improved my view on them to make relations with them better. Maybe teaming up on events with other battalions or something
  6. Rey


    These two statements contradict. Are you saying panzer is lying or am I missing something? "You even explicitly asked me to resign with two cg commanders in the channel" and you say "he didn't tell him to resign" This can even be taken as him worrying about someone "outsider" taking over which I can understand i just want more honesty
  7. Rey


    I think the idea more is he told him to resign but then went back on that when he got wolfee to not close of the position for himself.
  8. Even now you are trying to silence critism with reaction faces why not be more open with the rest of the community with your intentions and steps you are taking to improve? Have you tried that?
  9. It also seems childish to react with emojis rather than words
  10. I mean i will keep a better eye out from now on for naval to try helping you guys
  11. Alright but maybe you might have a issue if other battalions are willing to exclude you entirely and your powers over the ship have been revoked. Naval uses to have the privilege to do those things why not try figuring out what is causing this rift.
  12. I mean I'm giving you advice and you would rather shun me away and demand respect?
  13. So you now put it on the community to fix your problems? I mean do you see any other battalion need help in dealing with eternal affairs?
  14. I mean do what you want but how are you suprised no one wants to take you seriously?
  15. A certain someone who purposely leans into his Mic in order to get it to static all through debrief ignoring everyone then threating aos on people. Ive been back for about 2 weeks but old naval that wouldn't fly. Its one thing to be a "meme" its another to be aa server sanctioned minge
  16. 1 respect is power if it is inforced by power witch is what you are implying. 2 since I have come back I have seen very inconsistent naval from afk farms people who seem to enjoy it and others who seem to enjoy making people angry. If you had a more unified front people may respond better
  17. If they have rank transfer
  18. Rey

    Andrew's Ryloth 1/3

    +1 actually not a run and gun was a fun change of pace
  19. -1 so much lost rp chances for engineering and random spawning
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