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Posts posted by Esitt

  1. I love you Arcantus, but I'm going to have to -1 this application, you are a great person and player but I think the other 2 running for this position deserve it more since they have lots of experience in the Rancor battalion and they are actually IN the battalion at this time.

  2. 8 hours ago, Duck said:

    Since im staff of another server I guess my support should be taken with a little bit of salt, but -1. He just got his rank back 2 days ago as a new admin. Sure he was a new admin before and was reinstated it, but there was a period of 3 weeks in which he wasn't staff.  I feel as more that this reinstatement should be like more of that he just got the position and now needs to work as hard as he did before to prove that the removal was false and that he should be promoted(Yes I know you said he has increased in training's and everything but again it has just been 2 days, My opinion this is just a little too soon.)

    thanks for the honesty mate

  3. Your name: TR 41st GC HVYL MAJ Esitt/TR FO ITO MCPO Esitt

    Staff to be promoted: TTRaven

    Their steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65487536

    Rank promoted to: Admin

    Their main in-game name: TR MQM ITO LT TTRaven/(HE HAS NO CLONE RANK OTHER THAN NAVAL)

    Reason: This man has been through the ups and downs of the staff team, he has over 400 staff tickets claimed and successfully worked through ranging from white listing all the way to getting people banned or helping them sort out a situation. He was falsely removed from staff for being "Inactive". After him being removed, he strived and worked his hardest to get back on to the staff team and help them grow and be known as the caring and thoughtful team of synergy. He worked his hardest to get reinstated into staff, he talked to Joah himself after he got removed, he waited patiently almost 3 weeks after he got removed to get back on. Since he got reinstated he has become even more active and has trained CC's and taken even M O R E staff tickets like before. This man has worked his ass off to get to his position and I think he should be promoted for his hard efforts and determination for this server.

    Evidence in favor (if applicable): No evidence needed, I think most people have seen his activeness and his dedication to be a great staff member.

    +support or -support for this man to get promoted or not!

    Thanks all! Please no bias or favoritism for this post, answer truthfully and respectfully! If you give a +1 or -1 please give a reason and be nice!



  4. 50 minutes ago, Black said:

    Neutral. Your staff app is great but u arent active on forums

    How does being active on the forums have anything to do with being active in-game mate? this seems like a shitty neutral to me. anyways back to the staff application, whale, you were a friend in the 187th even though you weren't that active. I was considering doing a Neutral for this staff application seeing as though you aren't very active INGAME, but I feel like you can change that so  +Support

  5. I understand that we still need lots of game masters, but to be honest mate, This event sounds like every other event we keep repeating. When your doing your game master application, your supposed to branch out and think of an event that's detailed and that hasn't been done yet. Maybe an event where there is some Engine RP, Interrogation RP, hell even Battalion RP. This event just sounds like another shoot em' up event that we just use when no game master is online or has an event thought up yet. So, for this reason, I will -support,  I feel that since you are a great admin and person that if you add more detail and do something that hasn't been done yet I will rethink my support and give you that +Support! I know you can do it mate!


  6. +Support, Chumbus brought this up in the forum post about "Favoritism" Now I did not agree with everything that was said in that post, but I do agree with this. I think if we implement this system, it would give people a better chance of being noticed and being rewarded for their contributions towards the server and their strive to help the server stay running smoothly.

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