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Everything posted by Venom/TJ

  1. Steam Name: Venom RP Name: Null 11 Ordo Skirata Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:89261073 Battalion or squad you are applying for: Kal Skirata Experience: Null 5 Prudii Skirata x2 41st EC/GC Major Null 11 Ordo Skirata Shadow Manager Barriss Offee x2 Sentinel Manager Lead Jedi Master x2 Jedi General Adi Gallia Senior Jedi General Luminara Unduli Senior Jedi General Aayla Secura CLONE Null 5 Prudii Skirata - After a few months of being back on the server I joined null, While i did join as A’den I quickly switched to Prudii Because the current Prudii wasn’t active and he agreed to switch I was always on the server helping Null host off ship drills(Trainings) while a few months later I was gonna be chosen for Ordo but I resigned from Null, Basically denying the position. 41st EC/GC Major - I resigned from Null and joined 41st while I did take a month break I came back with this position while ultimately I mained jedi during this time, But I would always be helping 41st with anything they needed whenever the needed it, I spent 9 months with them then eventually I resigned and joined Null again. Null 5 Prudii Skirata (Round 2) - After joining null again i was having really fun and actually enjoyed playing my clone again after about a month and half of being Prudii and helping Null get back to being liked by the server and getting Null to be able to host off ship drills again I was offered the position of Ordo once again, While this time i took it. Null 11 Ordo Skirata - I have been Ordo for about half a month now gaining the experience of being a XO has truly helped me better myself in the server, I have helped gotten Null into a good place, With not hearing of Many… If any complaints containing the the things that happen in the server JEDI Padawan/Knight - When I first joined synergy in september 2017 I was an old Icefuse member I quickly became a Padawan. While working my hardest on Jedi I got into Temple Guard from being a Temple Guard I passed Knight Trials eventually I applied for Shadow manager. Shadow Manager Barriss Offee - After becoming a shadow manager I went to Barriss trials and passed, While becoming Barriss(Do The Voice) I worked even harder as a shadow manager and began my work with the 41st, while helping 41st helped me grow within the battalion, I enjoyed being their Barriss Bith Master Venom - While eventually being put up for Master, I passed. During my first time as master I was actively helping the Jedi Order, Eventually IRL got the best of me and i couldn’t do my duties and I got removed Barriss Offee (Round 2) - After a month and a half break I came back to Synergy and became Barriss again, I began helping Jedi again after about a month of being Barriss I wanted to get others a chance so I resigned Sentinel Manager Lead - After a few months I wanted to main Jedi again after becoming Sentinel Manager I quickly became Sentinel Manager Lead and continued to help the order in anyway I could after a bit I was put up for Master again Bith Master Venom (Round 2) - While becoming a Master for a second time on Synergy I didn’t want to make the same mistake I did the first time so i went for Adi Gallia Jedi General Adi Gallia - I became Adi Gallia because I wanted to help 91st who was recently added back into the server, I feel I did that by helping and hosting trainings for them eventually Luminara Unduli opened up so I went for her Senior Jedi General Luminara Unduli - I wasn’t Luminara for much time but I was put up for Senior Jedi General for the work I was doing Senior Jedi General Aayla Secura - I went for Aayla after 327th was added back into the server that way i could help Tristan(Bly) With starting the battalion back up. This was the time where i mained my Jedi so i was always with them doing everything, Eventually I began to get bored with Jedi and I didn’t want to hold the position so I resigned from Aayla and went back to Normal Master which is where I am now Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I feel I should become Squad Lead because I feel i have the Experience and maturity to Lead and keep the squad in its current state with active members and hoping to fill the final 2 spots(Once the map is fixed) Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: I’ve been In Null for a total of 6-7 Months and have read everything I could about them so I would say Yes Availability: Everyday, Anytime Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Started playing Synergy September 2nd 2017, Don’t know full hours Do you have a microphone?: Yes Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I want Null to be in a state of being liked by the server and having people constantly wanting to join, I want to get the Outreach program into a full swing where the members are hosting trainings with their outreach anytime they need it, While still not leaning away from the actual squad Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes
  2. [READ FIRST] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mz6kDD11rZgWc4HESWEv6W8SxapywLlYiZI1dOuaC0U/edit
  3. @Red_Panda Amazing Barriss glad I was the one able to host the tryout and get you in! ❤️ take care my friend
  4. +1 Makes sense why not it wont hurt anything
  5. Gonna throw this out there, Yes we have Jetpacks that we can rarely use because they usually get banned during events and you can only use them in MHB or Sim rooms on main server, and the armor boost isn't really needed because once your armor is gone you can't get it back unless you fully reset yourself
  6. Yeah it’s either same as 41st or Tad slower
  7. Its a trade, I put to remove the armor boost, and hoping it would be around 327th/41st Run speed
  8. Name: Venom/Null 5 Prudii Skirata Suggestion: Increase run speed boost for Null Implementation: Increase run speed for Null while removing the 50 extra armor Lore: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Null-class_Advanced_Recon_Commando In the Genes Section it states "Their physiology was greatly improved: they were stronger, Faster, and heavier than basic clone troopers. Workshop content if applicable: N/A (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Increase Run speed for Null, Remove 50 extra armor Job: All Null jobs Model: N/A Weapons: N/A Other: N/A
  9. That is there so you can kill minges that walk in, We can make it only accessible by CG, They can arrest anyone who isn't authorized
  10. +1 LOOKS AMAZING and it says 128 player optimization
  11. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/gaJcX9eA3lg/maxresdefault.jpg Aayla Secura Ples
  12. +1 Best event ive seen in a very very very long time
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