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Everything posted by CherryCrave

  1. Absolutely vile this is, I wholeheartedly agree with Korm, Sniff did indeed refer to him in this repulsive-disgusting manner!!!
  2. CherryCrave

    Blow up BCC

    9.0/10 I don't normally give this rating for events unless they are a phat deployment but damn this event was fun. Lots of shooting, especially when I launched ahead and cleared Granite of a disgusting amount of droids. Along with this I thoroughly enjoyed the RP that was involved, more specifically blowing up the muni's, cutting off droid heads and removing the muni from the front gate (99% 21'st!)
  3. 9/10 Had a lot of fun this event, was very challenging and required a lot of teamwork to get the mission done. Thank you for the event and you best carry on doing these amazing deployments!
  4. +1 Look dude, you are one of the funniest guys I have met on Synergy and you definitely know how to turn a sour situation into one that everybody can enjoy. The only improvement you need is to not get on the server drunk but other than that I believe you would be perfect to be SO BDE reg. I support you 100% now go and get that bread.
  5. Agent, you are a great dude but from what I have seen so far, you could do with a little bit of a better attitude. You are a great squad leader but everytime I have heard somebody talk to you about your achievements as Boss it tends to lean into "I got a full squad" & "I let my squad learn by themselves". But in fairness from my point of view it kind of seems that the second statement is more out of laziness rather than your teaching style. If there were no other candidates I would be +1'ing but I think Marvel or Tino could both do better jobs. Sorry pal <3
  6. Late reply but had a lot of fun this event. 7.5/10 because I got to actually shoot things rather than doing nothing around base
  7. 9/10, had a lot of fun boarding the initial ship and then having Hunter utilise his enhanced senses to detect the cloaked ships after the initial objectives were completed. We need more events that are as fun, lengthy and actually roleplay based as this one. - Mereel thanks you <3
  8. Bruh, the event was so fun. 7/10 just because of how fun it was. Not any roleplay per say but goddamn you made up for it.
  9. I will also give this a... 7/10. The event was fun and I enjoyed the aftermath of capturing him, mainly toying with him and insulting Ordo's kama. Overall, a whole lotta fun imo!
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