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About Soviet98

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  1. +1 shit was happening, it was good
  2. 9/10 It was a nice change of pace, liked it, thank you sir
  3. 1/10 we cant rp with you if you dont respond and just attack
  4. 9/10, liked the details in the map aswell
  5. Name: WeyForce Who helped (If applicable): Deathtiger, GH Truffle, bluetoxic, A'den, Kirito, Unkindled, Rohan Event Name: A worthy price? Summary of the story: After two pirate ships engaged fire in the Anaxes airspace a strange object was seen falling from the sky near the water fall, quickly after both Pirate forces send manpower to the surface of anaxes to retrieve the item, meanwhile the republic send man to investigate the item and bring it back to base, shortly after both pirate forces clash near the anaxes main base engaging eachother for the Reactor Cell, clone's found the fighting and decided to investigate and where caught in the crossfire, in the end both pirate force's allied and tried to teamup against the clones wich ended with 1 trando and 2 bounty being excorted out the planet to a prision facility and one lucky trando who got away with the reactor cell. What was the result of the event?: 2 bounty's and 1 trando got arrested, 1 trando left with with the reactor cell Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up
  6. In-game Name: WeyForceWhat playermodel you want used: Dark Council Member (Brontes)Text 1 (Bottom left): WeyForceText 2 (Bottom right): ReavesWhat background/map you want used: Somesorth of sith temple/dark themed environmentAny other notes: The pose would be something like an ignited stance (choose one that looks nice) trident Hilt with a dark inner red crystal, Overall make it dark, creppy and cool. Something Like this would be nice but with the model I said Do you understand upon posting a request you agree to pay 20,000 credits: Yes
  7. It is, I tried to contact a HA just now , thanks
  8. +1, good gentleman, app a bit short but he can without a doubt do his part
  9. Altough he sucks as a commander in arma, e somewhat manages in DU +1
  10. -1, you have a nice app and all, but I cant support you, I dont find you mature enough even with your age, I had nothing bad to say about you till I saw a discord post where you were overly agressive and disrespectfull and that alone is a minus -1 from me. The main reason why I -1 is because I dont want to see you do sits and such or later become a higher staff and have that kinda atittude. Nonetheless, good luck.
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