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About dartheater91

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  1. you are all imbecile. what are are you puny little minds thinking ignoring such a promiscuous beastly being's message? I can only imagine what empty-head thboughts are hgoing throuh your heads. but that beisde the poiint. my warning from yesterdy foretold that after the 24 four hours i gav tyou , the graamd warth of demon lorg mathingo will reign down upon al of you. It seems you time is up. and aas i fortold, this very niht the grand wrath will be rainged down upon yout. \ \grand master univedrse 1000000 out
  2. i have altered the deal, pray i do not alter it any further. i have decicdd to show mercy uponm all of yolu, i am awawre of the many casualties that you hav taken due to demon lorg mathingo's deadly curse. if you shut down the entire server then i wil spare the remaining souljas and thei loved ons. thi is your fiunjal warning, you have 24 hours. ultimatre lord darth universe 1000000 out
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