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Posts posted by EthBethDoge

  1. RP Name: US Army PFC Eth OR RUS MP SGT Eth

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:32461953

    VIP (Y/N): N

    Age: 15

    Timezone: EST

    Tell us why you wish to be apart of the staff team(6 sentence minimum): There are a few reasons why I want to be a staff member. I have many ideas for this server, and I wish to be a part of the working process. I want to help shape this creation into something even better. On a different note, I also want to help individual players, perhaps to build a connection with them, because I will most likely be coming back a lot, staff or no. I also would like to help weed out the trolls, the racists, the griefers, etc; And thus improve quality of life. Also, I'm kinda curious about what being a staff member is like.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm just a teenager living in Ohio, just waiting for next year so I can finally drive to high school. I am a colossal nerd who spends most of his time either watching videos on the internet and waiting for the next season of both Doctor Who and Game of Thrones (In the case of GoT, I'm waiting for the new book too). I often fantasize that I will get a job that is exiting, not being an office worker for 50 years until I retire and live out my days being an old sod who can't find enjoyment in life. So yeah, that's me.

    Do you have any previous staff experience? No, but I am a quick learner.

    How long have you been playing on Synergy for? About as long as the server has been active.

    Are you currently staff on any other server? No.

    Are you willing to sacrifice your playtime for the betterment of the server and its community? Mostly. There may be one or two days, usually weeknights (after I've had a long day), where I may be absent or just playing the game.

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