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Posts posted by Rocksteady

  1. RP Name: Rocksteady

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:444841139

    VIP (Y/N): Y

    Age: 22

    Timezone: Cental

    What was your previous staff rank?: SA

    Are you currently staff on a different server?: No

    Why did you leave the staff team?: left the server

    Why do you want to rejoin the staff team? (3 sentence minimum): I want to bring the joy of events back to the server. I want to resume helping the server grow. I want to keep the server under control during dead hours when there is less staff on

    How do you feel your previous time as a staff member went? (3 sentence minimum): It went rather well, the only real reason i left was that i was suffering from burnout. I would say very few people had an issue with my actions as staff. I enjoyed being an admin on the server

    Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and practices?: yes

  2. Name: Rocksteady

    Steam ID: 

    Staff Rank: SA

    Were you VIP: yes

    Date: 11/24/19

    Reason for leaving: im just burnt out and i can no longer enjoy myself on the server. I hope everyone stays awesome while i'm gone its been a really fun year, but we all hit the point where we say "adios" and this is that time for me.

    Farewells: I just want to say that i will miss everyone on the server, from the uptight rule enforces to the minges that shoot up DB. A few mentions of note. Rose I have seen you go from NA with his head in the clouds to a HA with his head up his ass, and it was good to know you. The entire 327th naturally. and any and all that helped me bring fun events to the server through my events. I'll miss you all 

    • Friendly 3
  3. Name: Rocksteady

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Event Name: CIS Take Anaxes

    Summary of the story: The CIS enlist the aid of a man that has created experimental massifs that shoot grenade like substance from their maw. The CIS use this to push in and take out their shield gen allowing them in to plant bombs. The bombs detonate and take the base with it, leaving behind ruins and rubble. The clones evac and make their way to slate, but are cut down to the man, dooming the republic.

    What was the result of the event?:  CIS win

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up



  4. for an event by normal standards? 3/10 there were a lot of issues, especially the RDM thing.

    for a new GH's event? it was a 5/10, creative but you need to put a bit more thought into the planning and execution.

    all in all ive seen worse, but you are just beginning so dont be discouraged

  5. On 10/11/2019 at 11:28 PM, Jax said:

    “Overseeing division  around 10~30 active personnel, in charge of documentation, leadership, relaying executive decisions, managing recruitment of new potential employees, communication.... “

    Imagine putting that down and they go “Oh thats very interesting, what organization did you do that for?”

    A small tech startup called synergy I mostly just dealt with the backend

  6. Name: Rocksteady

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Event Name: Holocron horrors

    Summary of the story: Rocksteady found a holocron within the base that slowly warped his mind making him increasingly unstable and paranoid. he eventually called for the banishment of all jedi from anaxes and when they refused he called for their arrest, the clones discovered the holocron plat and moved to stop it before it corrupted him entirely

    What was the result of the event?: Republic win

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP



  7. Name: Rocksteady

    Who helped (If applicable): Shaw

    Event Name: Legacy of Rourke

    Summary of the story: a sith smuggled in crates full of antlion eggs onto anaxes in a bid to destroy the clones, distracting the jedi from their true target, the temple itself. he placed more antlion cages and he himself attack in a bid to kill one specific Jedi, Kellyn Deo. He failed and was killed in the fighting

    What was the result of the event?: Republic/ jedi win

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up



  8. 51 minutes ago, SmallJeff said:

    sorry chief nothing against you -1 for me tho

    For me you have been toxic to many people behind their backs and dont go to them directly for their problems you sit in the back and shit talk people 

    Also the other cmds would be better choices you havent changed much since your last app 

    As I stated in my app it was never my intention to be toxic behind people’s backs, I was just frustrated and just wanted to vent. Is it really toxicity if I actually hold no I’ll will towards whom I’m talking about?

  9. 9 minutes ago, ISNIFFPROPANE said:

    To be honest, I like didn't see you at all when Jayarr was Bly, other then your Jedi, and maybe promoting people like twice... . I still believe there needs to be some fresh blood in 327th, and if it's not jayarr, its gonna be someone else... Like I said on your last app, for "Where you want your battalion to be at the end of your term" you say,

    As well as 

    These are things that you don't have to be Bly for, and you could easily have been working on them during your time as a COL but you haven't. You don't need to be BCMD to host weekly training's, and I actually haven't seen you do a training in like 3 weeks... If you're gonna make promises for your term make them realistic at least.

    I'm gonna have to -1, sorry dude, it's nothing personal, your a good friend, I just want the best for the battalion...

    I also want what is best for the battalion and i will do everything in my power to make it great, i have already addressed the lack of activity, and I have been hosting trainings, granted not frequently but when i can, but rarely does anyone show, whereas if i were bly perhaps i could set up a sort of "requirement" for training to show up our presence on the server. I am unsure if that would change much at first but it would at the very least be a right step towards what i want to see from the 327th

  10. 2 minutes ago, Pot said:

    -1 look I have nothing against you but tbh you haven’t really changed anything since you’re last app

    you are not wrong the reason it is similar is that i struggled to think of more relevant experience since what i put on the last app is still true, but I appreciate your opinion


  11. Steam Name: TheCrunchiesttaco21


    RP Name: Rocksteady


    Steam ID (SteamID Finder: STEAM_0:0:444841139


    Battalion or squad you are applying for: 327th



    First real experiences on the server:

    I remember my first days in the 327th and what made me fall in love with the battalion and its people and attitude, Immediately enjoyed the overall chillness of the battalion and the brotherly love that each member shared. When I started out during my enlisted Phase I was intimidated by higher ranks and was afraid of screwing up even though it was just a game a little habit i still have at this current day but during the time I was eager to become SPC so i could become a 327th Medic and a SGT to recruit people to the battalion I loved, During my starting days i scored a kill on a commando droid event job and started to immediately hone my medical skills with the current medical lead Hiki, who while not the most active CMDR on the server, she still taught me a lot of skills i would use later on in the server. Not long after I Became a SPC on my first/second[?] day in the 327th where i joined the medical branch and immediately got AMED Trained here i became a well known and renowned medic. When i was promoted i went for a MEDO position within the 327th position running against Loopy, and while i was bested by him for the title i held no resentment against him for it, using this opportunity to try and become better and became a prominent recruiter for the 327th, At the time and possibly still [the doc got updated so it’s hard to say] I was the 3rd highest recruiter behind Poe and GuardianRobot and had logged over 25+ Surgeries within the 327th before the document that held the surgeries was removed from the medical program in which I performed many more surgeries that remained unlogged.

    My stint as ARC:

    I soon decided however that i truly wanted to be an ARC trooper and set my sights on that. So I began to make my way towards becoming ARC. I attended Selections only to fail the first time, but i didn't let that deter me from pushing towards it. I attended selections a second time and passed with flying colors. I then proceeded to pass every other ARC training on the first attempt. It was such an exciting feeling, to finally remove MED from my name and replace it with the three letters I had longed to see in my name A.R.C. I then decided that i wanted to be the best ARC that the 327th had and so i applied for the position of ARCO, of which i was accepted. I then made it my goal to see that not only was the 327th prepared for any outcome, or even becoming an ARC themselves. So i talked to the current Blitz and asked him if it would be alright to train others in ARC-style tactics formations and the like. He agreed and so i set to work. I would constantly hold training for the other members of the server, to teach them how to better interact as a unit as well as members of the server.

    Command experience:

    My first real taste of command was during my time as ARCO. it taught me many valuable lessons that i needed to learn, such as when to apply pressure and when it is better just to back off and let the troops do their thing. This was my first time being in command but it wouldn't be the last. I pushed myself hard with daily activity, constant tryouts, and the drive to see myself given an officer position so that i could promote troops as our officer corps wasn't very active at the time. When i was given WO, everything changed, i had more responsibilities and expectations and met them head on. In addition was the respect given to me by the enlisted and lower NCO's of the 327th, and I absolutely refused to let them or the officers that were watching my progress down. SO i continued to push ever higher up the ranks, never lording my rank over anyone or acting as if i was superior to anyone else, but rather i took everything with a relaxed and calm demeanor, ready to tackle whatever the future would hold for me. I am also one of the longest standing members of the 327th's staff core and that is something i hope to maintain in the future moving onward


    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: 

    I believe I can carry out the responsibility of a Battalion Commander mainly because of my long lasting time in 327th where I have experienced the high and low points of the battalion with countless other scenarios that of which I can use to my advantage and improve the battalion whether it may be the lack of discipline or training's, I know I can provide the necessary actions for the battalion to keep it in peak condition and maintain its current status.

    Another reason I should become BCMD is because of my relationships across the base.  I have made a lot of friendships that of which have rose up the ranks like myself. Because of this it opens up new doors to new training's with other battalions which could strengthen our combat abilities and or general discipline during battles making the server more immersive since we became SeriousRP which is a given bonus, and while it is true that that the battalion is not in the best of shapes, i hope to improve our image and inner workings to not only make the 327th a serious, but fun battalion, in addition to showing the rest of the server how willing both the 327th and I are to this server

    One thing i do want to address is my apparent inactivity as well, something that some may raise against me being Bly. I will not contest this I am largely inactive but this has been due to a truly horrible cocktail of school, personal issues, and other reasons i dont feel like going into, but that is all hopefully dealt with, and i look forward to bettering not just my image, but the 327th's as well

    Another concern that many have raised against me is that i am mingey and don't take things seriously, and while it is true that i am not the most serious of people, when it comes down to it i care about this battalion and wish to see it flourish, i wouldn't have applied again if i intended to ruin the 327th's reputation with anything less than the absolute seriousness that the BCMD position of Bly requires.

    One final thing that i know people are gonna bring against me is what jayarr referenced in his resignation, and many are gonna accuse me of powerplaying or perhaps just a toxic person that disrespected someone, and while i will freely admit i said many rude things behind his back, it was just me venting all of my frustrations and was never meant to be heard but i made the judgement error of allowing my frustration to overpower my senses. I will freely admit that i made a mistake and many will look down on me for it, and i don't blame them but it was a mistake that i will take care not to repeat. I have learned from it and will ensure that it doesn't occur again


    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: I do


    Availability: 8+ hours a day


    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?I have played for 1215:01:49.


    Do you have a microphone?:  yes


    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

    By the end of my term i want the 327th's numbers to be higher than they ever have been before. I aim to accomplish this by ensuring that the 327th gets a strong NCO base that can bring many new members in, but also ensure that they are well trained, because while numbers are nice the quality of the troops can never be understated

    Another improvement would be to circulate better dialogue between the officers and the enlisted and NCOs as it often seems as if people are having issues that they refuse to tell officers about. Even the day-to-day suffers for our lack of communication between officers and those below them I want to improve this by bring back the weekly meetings we had before.

    I also aim to have our combat tactics improved, far too often do we just mindlessly run into combat like fools, and get slaughtered as a result. I aim to improve this by having weekly training, where each will focus on a different aspect of combat and siege, as well as dealing with the NPC combat we often find ourselves dealing with as well as the more unique enemies that we run across. The training will also very in type from breach and clear to "hold and survive"



    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes


    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes

  12. Name: Rocksteady

    Who helped (If applicable): knight, rose

    Event Name: Droids of death

    Summary of the story: A group of droids defected to the Republic in secret and contacted an admiral. The admiral sent null to extract the droids. they were brought back to base and dismantled and checked for scanners. The CIS arrives while looking for their lost droids. The lost droids help the clones drive the CIS from the base showing their loyalty, and being assigned to the base

    What was the result of the event?: Republic win

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: passive



  13. Name: Rocksteady

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Event Name: Stolen souls

    Summary of the story: An ancient sith captured Rocksteady and corrupted his mind. The sith was killed but jumped bodies into Rocksteady. He ran and managed to slip away to slate, where kal arrives and offered to take his place the sith agreed and moved to kals body, he made the man a toy for a while before eventually being purged from the galaxy completely

    What was the result of the event?: Republic win

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP



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