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Mr Bagel

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Posts posted by Mr Bagel

  1. 5 minutes ago, woeny23 said:

    Name:TRO 501ST MED RL CMD Woeny



    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]:atleast over 500hrs atleast by now


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?:7


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?:8.5 

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes 


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: 


    General Grevious (10khp) Lightsaber dual 42 length

    2 Gungans (4k) no weapons 

    2 IG-100 Magna Droids(6k) The lightsaber dual 42 length

    3-4 Commando Droids (4k) T-21,CIS Shotgun




    A  two random civilians (Would be a gungan) crash land into the venator, The civilian has vital information that needs to be told to the republic, since the civilian crash landed they need the medical attention. Once the civilians are treated, they start to foreshadow about the information they with hold (Locations of the cis). The republic troopers take the civilians to (3rd floor, ir its player choice) to begin questioning the gungans on who shot down their ship.DEPENDING ON HOW THE REPUBLIC TROOPS TREAT Them. The gungans begin talking about the information about the CISand how they shot them down in a planet system nearby, Or if treated poorly the gungans dont speak about what they know. The Gungans have information on the CIS location but before they can say it to the troopers the CIS enter the system and begin attack on the venator. General Grevious with droids board the ship, Their objective is to kill the gungans so they dont reveal the information of there ships. Its the jobs of the troopers to protect these gungans.



    Grevious and the droids kill both gungans, so the republic have no information on the location of the cis ships

    Grevious only killed one of the gungans so the republic get some of the information of there ships (the info was split between the two

    Both Gungans live so they can relay all the information they have learned to the republic troopers (they will be escorted off once the info is given and taken back to there original destination.

    THE Troopers treat the gungans poorly so the gungans relay fake information but grevious still boards trying to kill the gungans because they still have the info 

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