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Posts posted by Duck

  1. Since im staff of another server I guess my support should be taken with a little bit of salt, but -1. He just got his rank back 2 days ago as a new admin. Sure he was a new admin before and was reinstated it, but there was a period of 3 weeks in which he wasn't staff.  I feel as more that this reinstatement should be like more of that he just got the position and now needs to work as hard as he did before to prove that the removal was false and that he should be promoted(Yes I know you said he has increased in training's and everything but again it has just been 2 days, My opinion this is just a little too soon.)

  2. Just now, WindowsXP said:


    Does this support require donations? If so im not sure if I can help with all this Synergy Subscriptions while also trying to keep up my WoW Subscription

    • Agree 1
  3. 6 minutes ago, WindowsXP said:

    - He only uses synergy as a piggy bank to pay for his parents basement.

    As you hear Joah in the background scream "Hey MOM I GOT THIS MONTHS RENT"


    7 minutes ago, WindowsXP said:

    - He is extremely racist and sexist he has made extremely discriminate marks.

    Now Im not gonna say you are right, BUT Im not saying you're wrong either.

  4. 5 hours ago, Chumbus said:

    well that's good if its the case, but it does still seem like a little bit of an abuse of power and should still be thought on if this report ends up being reviewed.

    Chumbus, That was no where near cipher's fault. I will admit that. That was a idea presented to me by Dragon, and I thought it wasnt that bad as Dragon (Orginally) was leaving for around 6-8 months due to IRL reasons. I did not think it would of been used as soon as it did, but nevertheless it was my fault for letting it slip by and Cipher only just held on to it. If I had to put it short, the passphrase was one of the dumbest fucking idea's ive let by. So if you are going to +1 or neutral let it be for some of the actual reasons posted on here.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Punda said:

    BRUH. You can just look at that and tell that is 100% a meme. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that that is a meme lmfao

    Yeah thats how I took it first too when I came back from my mini LOA  to find out Null were 100% serious and weren't talking to you guys unless 100% needed. They were even going as far to call you guys "Snitches" "Faggots", ect. So if you really think "RC relations werent bad with Null" that is one of the biggest lies I've heard. It was so bad that Zander and billiam asked in my Regimental Interview "So I hear null and RC relations are the best right now, how do you plan to solve this"

  6. Honestly just gonna say it only one more Time. This report wasn't fully about him wiping his squad(Only time I cared about him "wiping his squad" really was how he didn't A. Even tell it to there face they were wiped most had to find out through a 3rd party. and B. How he told Dragon he was removed but said after wards essentially "Hey come tryout, no guarantee but almost 90% likely hood you will get ordo back). I instead stated incidents in which I feel he very poorly handled due to him trying to save his own reputation.

    Such as

    1 hour ago, Duck said:


    1.    Lying toward other members causing drama

    • Due to cipher wanting to save his own ass, he often causes drama with other people. Such an example is when 2 members were removed and he proceeded to put the full blame on Zander, All of null proceeded to get upset and Harass zander but only to their dismay did they find out that it was actually cipher who was making the shots. Essentially but Cipher lying he caused a 2 Hour argument between Zander and myself in which I found out wasn't needed in the first place afterwards null harassed zander and zander almost fully wiped Null(He didn't because he found out cipher lied to them and null were just upset because of this lie)

    3.    Lack of ability of fixing relations

    • Ok many of you will say “But this most recent wipe proves he's trying to fix relations” in which I say Bull mother fucking shit. He wiped the squad because he was too fucking lazy and scared to go fix the problems individual(Which he often did, Cipher never tried to fix the problem, but instead just tried to get rid of the person overall, which if you are willing to remove one of your members on the drop of a nail then no offense even I wouldn’t  fucking trust your ass.). Instead he would rather get a new squad over fucking all(praying that these new members aren’t “Rejects) in which i'm sorry the Pros don't outweigh the cons. By removing everyone you instead are not working towards find a solution for the current problems,but Adding on to that, Cipher often complains about fuck ups or people but never really tries to fix the problem, Instead he does stupid shit such as starting a war with fucking RC,HIS REASONING WAS SO FUCKING STUPID TOO, it was about ammo crates/lightsabers being removed from null bunks in which he hated RC for doing so(and of course they had director's permission to do so). One example I can provide is when there was a problem with “RC” and I proceeded to ask him what it was and he said “It's just omega, I don't like Fido” in which I hear him complain about fido for about 30 minutes, but guess what, not once did he ever talk to fido instead once fido left the room he would talk shit about fido to Fido’s Squad and Null. Overall when a incident occurs with another battalion Cipher barely talks to the other party and takes in almost nothing of what they say (EX: ignoring ST and naval Who said they were perfectly fine with Llama, proceeding to say Llama “Fucked up our image and relations” Which is the biggest BS Fucking ever)


    https://i.imgur.com/fO5Xssx.png?1 (This was what he posted as he didnt want to talk to them face to face because he knew when they asked him “Why” he didn't have valid reasons for most of them)

    More evidence I have is the director him fucking self. Zander received harassment from Null was about to wipe them but hesitated and did not follow through with it because he found out that Null were only angry because cipher fed them lies.

    These next couple reasons came up after I finished writing them up, but were important enough to warrant me adding them in. Cipher honestly makes rash and dumb decisions, when the jedi decided to remove the nulls ability to come into the temple (for rp and lore reasons) he decided to tell all null to not help any jedi in a event.




  7. Ok, first im going to go talk about the "Its his squad he can do what he wants the members" Yes I fully understand that, if you read my post I actually encourage that and dont really care. What I draw the line at is when he doesn't even bother to tell them face to  face they are removed. For gods sakes they are a 6 person squad, they shouldn't have to find out they were removed by someone else going "oh hey you see this post". But I honestly don't understand why that is a major reason why this is being -1 as, it was such a minor reason as statement #2 was more about him essentially being the type of person to warn someone behind there back with other people in there channel(but the person being warned isnt in the channel) so that he could save face.

    Now about me not being "professional" I used the quote "lack of balls" as honestly it was the best way to describe it but after talking to other people who thought it didn't really clarify it that well, I changed the wording to "Lack of confidence" which I still feel honestly I still feel "lack of balls" means more, because in all honesty when you hear someone "Lacks balls" you instantly know what that means, but lack of confidence could mean many things, Lack of confidence in his own leading, lack of confidence in his member, lack of confidence in his doc work,ect. Everything else I tried to stay professional as much as possible. The only point in which I anywhere near attacked Cipher was when I called him a two face manipulator because he caused a huge argument between I and some friends but even that wasnt that big of a attack. At no point did I go to straight shit throwing and just go "Hes shit fuck him, hes an asshole bla bla bla" instead I tried to bring up points and back them up with input. So to say my post is "Mostly throwing names and basically mud throwing. " I feel is honestly kind of not true as I did make points then back it up with 

    Now onto my last point, Punda no offense you kind of proved my point with that video. I mention that video in my report. Llama fucked up and everything. But Not once did Cipher talk to CG or naval which after talking to Fox and Vanhorn neither were angry, so when he said that "These individuals ruined our image towards other individuals" I didnt feel that was true cause he didn't talk to a single person who was negatively directly affected by this. Also for you to say he improved relations with RC and null. I dont feel is fully true. For gods sake he was the one started the whole "war" with RC(https://imgur.com/a/fB3cc) and when I got back from dealing school stuff I mostly told him no offense his stupid. I even went as far as telling the null to stop disrespecting RC even when they were in there own channel.


    26 minutes ago, Bbstine said:

    Excuse me, what? So you're saying YOU should be the new Kal, and YOU shouldn't have to put people through the tryouts and just... assign new people to the squad? Sounds like... favoritism. Now listen Duck, I'm not saying you're a bad guy, but that sounds a bit shady.

     Never did I state "People would just go through without tryouts" That wasnt even close to what I said. I said instead the whole squad would wiped(except for members who literally just like 3 days ago) and the only available member slots would be everyone except for ordo and Kal. Every position would require a tryout and those would be the only 5 members in the squad until a more suitable squad leader was found(and that kal would choose his ordo make the final two members). Honestly no offense I dont get how you got anywere from that statement that I said I would "Assign new people to the squad"

    Just gonna @Rush Cat as I basically covered same-thing in post above ^. The thing proposed was if the squad leader were to be removed and would be as a temp thing until a new squad lead would be found(Ex when forseen took over 501st until a new Commander was found). Never at any point do I really want to just "Let anyone in" unless its for a decent reason. If asking anyone who has worked under me or next to me. I often try to let everyone try out for the position unless such a individual is coming back a position for good reason (EX Llama only left for 2 days due to Some really heavy shirt IRL that he didnt think he could come back to the server ever for and came back as a'den. Then dragon who left for isreal due to essentially the military, but came back early he was given his position back as it was Ordo, No one can try out for such a position anyways, Ordo was instead only chosen from other null members.)


  8. [IMG]

    This color key is for you kids who I know like to skip through reading.(also I colored it so you can see it on all themes black or white.)

    Red= Important bits of information (Basically the whole report <3)

    Blue = Bits of information you can ignore if you are skimming through

    Orange = Most important bits of information


    Your Name:


    Your Steam ID:


    Your rank/position in the battalion (if applicable)?:

    Regimental Commander of this battalion

    Battalion Commander(+)'s Name:

    Cipher/Kal Skirata

    Battalion Commander(+)'s Steam ID (OPTIONAL IF UNABLE TO FIND):




    Why should this Battalion Commander(+) be demoted?:

    Imma start this off with a quick little statement, before in the past I would say no hard feelings but recently cipher you have lost my respect. You have caused me to argue with my own friends on this server,that I have known for a year,( deep insults were thrown towards each other in that argument such as “Duck you normally are against favoritism” or “Duck you're just blindly defending people”) when you were the problem behind, so before I get into this all I can say is that you really are a “Two Faced Manipulator”




    1.    Lying toward other members causing drama

    • Due to cipher wanting to save his own ass, he often causes drama with other people. Such an example is when 2 members were removed and he proceeded to put the full blame on Zander, All of null proceeded to get upset and Harass zander but only to their dismay did they find out that it was actually cipher who was making the shots. Essentially but Cipher lying he caused a 2 Hour argument between Zander and myself in which I found out wasn't needed in the first place afterwards null harassed zander and zander almost fully wiped Null(He didn't because he found out cipher lied to them and null were just upset because of this lie)

    2.    The lack of Confidence ( I originally had "lack of balls" but some people said "Thats not very descriptive)

    • Now I know what you may say, “How is the lack of Balls a valid of reason for removal” My reason for saying this is that he will often give members “Warnings” behind their backs and when it comes to their removal proceeds to have the audacity to say that he “Gave them an outstanding amount of warnings.” the latest incident is the wipe of Null, Some of you may say “Well it's in his jurisdiction to wipe his squad” in which I fully agree with, but what he did in which I don't agree with(and many would say the same) would be that he couldn't even say it straight to their face that they were wiped(Most of them found out by the post. The only person who actually found out through a actual talk, was creator ). One of the shittiest things you can do is to remove someone without even fucking talking to them because does this not only cause issues(such as it taking hours maybe days for a member to find out he was removed) but it also gives the members a big middle finger saying “Yeah sorry you really weren't worth talking too, you fucked up k Bye”( Such an example was stated by Llama and Creator https://i.imgur.com/sTPYAUF.png?1 )

    3.    Lack of ability of fixing relations

    • Ok many of you will say “But this most recent wipe proves he's trying to fix relations” in which I say Bull mother fucking shit. He wiped the squad because he was too fucking lazy and scared to go fix the problems individual(Which he often did, Cipher never tried to fix the problem, but instead just tried to get rid of the person overall, which if you are willing to remove one of your members on the drop of a nail then no offense even I wouldn’t  fucking trust your ass.). Instead he would rather get a new squad over fucking all(praying that these new members aren’t “Rejects) in which i'm sorry the Pros don't outweigh the cons. By removing everyone you instead are not working towards find a solution for the current problems,but Adding on to that, Cipher often complains about fuck ups or people but never really tries to fix the problem, Instead he does stupid shit such as starting a war with fucking RC,HIS REASONING WAS SO FUCKING STUPID TOO, it was about ammo crates/lightsabers being removed from null bunks in which he hated RC for doing so(and of course they had director's permission to do so). One example I can provide is when there was a problem with “RC” and I proceeded to ask him what it was and he said “It's just omega, I don't like Fido” in which I hear him complain about fido for about 30 minutes, but guess what, not once did he ever talk to fido instead once fido left the room he would talk shit about fido to Fido’s Squad and Null. Overall when a incident occurs with another battalion Cipher barely talks to the other party and takes in almost nothing of what they say (EX: ignoring ST and naval Who said they were perfectly fine with Llama, proceeding to say Llama “Fucked up our image and relations” Which is the biggest BS Fucking ever)


    Has this Battalion Commander violated one of the rules for demotion?:

    I would say this would fall under the "The context for these reasons may differ between battalions." as Null in its own has its own needs in which I would say his inability to try and “Keep their image up”(Which yes as an elite squad is needed. We have few members so our image should be the best it can be) and the blatant lies towards fellow members would warrant a Removal. The whole “Lack of balls” I wouldn't say is a reason for a removal but when combined with these other two reasons would validate such a reason to be brought up.


    Evidence against the individual?:

    Null recently left the other discord so I can’t grab screenshots from there but I can grab screenshots of our current discord.



    https://i.imgur.com/fO5Xssx.png?1 (This was what he posted as he didnt want to talk to them face to face because he knew when they asked him “Why” he didn't have valid reasons for most of them)

    More evidence I have is the director him fucking self. Zander received harassment from Null was about to wipe them but hesitated and did not follow through with it because he found out that Null were only angry because cipher fed them lies.

    https://i.imgur.com/TrgQ8jt.png?1 This image proves my point the most. He doesn't talk to other battalions about their opinions of null. Within a day he goes from “Oh yeah null are perfect we are doing just fine” to “HOLY SHIT GET THEM OUT OF HERE These mother fuckers just commited all 7 deadly sins” All within a day. He doesn't try to go around and see if there's anything he can do to improve relations but would instead rather go the lazy route and wipe the squad instead of going to other battalions and seeing if there's an issue in which could be solved by a simple little talk to the battalion.


    These next couple reasons came up after I finished writing them up, but were important enough to warrant me adding them in. Cipher honestly makes rash and dumb decisions, when the jedi decided to remove the nulls ability to come into the temple (for rp and lore reasons) he decided to tell all null to not help any jedi in a event.

    Adding on to him making Rash and dumb decisions He also likes to save his own ass and is willing to throw his own friends under the bus for it (As shown in the image below)


    Dragon had talk with him after this and he basically said the same thing. He told dragon that he would 90% pass the next tryouts(because dragon helped him write them…..) but to “save face” he removed dragon so that it wouldnt look bad, so essentially he didnt give a fuck that dragon was helping him such as writing docs, but instead was more worried about his own image and removed dragon because he knew dragon would get back in easy.


    As a final note Most likely this commander report will “End in a warning” but I'm saying we say “fuck that” and wipe the squad as a overall. If cipher wanted a full squad wipe I suggest we do so in which I’ll attempt to recruit members (Let it be old or new, as long as they pass they pass. But these tryouts would be different from the old ones. But with this, if the commander report were to pass even cipher would be allowed to come back it would just not be as kal. Things also such as blacklists would be wiped unless the persons blacklist was reasonable such as Mass-RDM during a tryout) and until someone applies for Kal these would be the 5 Members(There would be no ordo as the person who gets put in as kal normally choose their ordo like a Yoda chooses there mace) just like how when alistair wiped squads he would maintain that squad until a suitable Squad lead was found.


    *Edit as of 8:38 PM* From recent report I heard cipher held tryouts and such obviously the recent members from these tryouts would remain in there position.


    Suggestion for new Commander of that Battalion (OPTIONAL)?:

    Honestly None, I had Dragon as my ordo for a reason, I trusted him more than I trusted cipher but when Dragon left I had to find a replacement( A decision I now regret.) But dragon only just recently came back so many would feel it's too soon and unfair.





    P.S: I would not of done this if he hadn’t essentially blacklisted every single member he wiped.

    https://i.imgur.com/WXaK9rM.png?2 which even the strictest squad ponds ever wouldn't do (Alistair, he wiped squads weekly, but he allowed each member he wiped a chance to come back. If they got back in they got back in. If they fucked up again they would be blacklisted)





  9. I would not say having "unlimited" as this will encourage game makers to not take the time to put effort into their event. By limiting it, it forces game makers to actually make sure their event is planned out perfectly as they are taking up one of the limited amount of events. In my honest opinion I feel as though 5 is probably the perfect number as its not too little and its not too much.

    • Agree 1
  10. [IMG]

    1 hour ago, Punda said:

    Edit to my -1: So I had asked "Who TECH training NULL" in the RC discord, because NULL usually do TECH training in their tryouts, I didn't know it was a separate thing or w/e, and you PM me this on TS: "<22:13:55> "Duck | Pm me If needed": Just saying, my null are going to do TECH trainings. have a problem with it? Welp fuck off. Sorry null are going to attempt to run more tech trainings in a week then you have done in your entire time as fixer. So stop giving my null shit, thanks <3.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'". Now, I meant my question in the other way, I'm not sure if you took it that I was saying that you guys shouldn't do TECH training or w/e you thought, but still. Either way that you took it, you should have PMed me asking what I meant by my question or something, the way you responded is something I would NOT want as my commanding officer. I would want someone that can solve a situation peacefully, instead of PMing me saying "Fuck off", and basically giving me shit.

    Now to talk about this situation. I log on hear about null getting shit for doing Tech training, and this not being the first time you guys have given my null shit. So once I was given screen shots of how you guys were complaining about other people doing tech training, I proceed to kindly tell you to fuck off and stop screwing my with my null as im tired of you guys giving my null any shit because you guys want to feel special.To put it in perspective I have chat messages of baxter complaining about how Null now do tech training and you guys no have nothing to do. Like for real its just one other "elite" squad that is doing the training's with you guys.
    Now to say I haven't handled things peacefully is kind of a lie, if you talk to many members many can tell you(such as gm or or 501st when the whole 501st minged at our tryouts) that I attempt to solve things peacefully unless I have already tried or I know the individuals wont budge.Such as the RC in example, as they still complain about people having their weapons so I saw no point in having a conversation about us now doing Tech.

    Furthermore, to add on to my argument, you say "I basically gave you shit" in which after I sent you that message it was semi cleared up. Then you proceed to go on a rant about 38th doing EOD training. so I didn't "basically gave you shit" for me to do that I would have probably just messaged you that, and continue to talk in a negative manner. In which I didn't.



    For anyone asking for screen shots to back up my arguement here ya go.


    First image in which got me a little confused/tad angry.


    Second image that made me angry as you basically said that only few people should have tech training. Oh no half the server can do our job now, were not special anymore.


    This image pissed me off the most "people just assume they can train others" dont even tell me you guys were "talking about 38th" no you guys were having a conversation about null. Why would 38th just pop up out of no where. Its pretty obvious who Chris meant.

    Next few pictures are a conversation with Baxter backing up my claim RC are angry they aren't "special" anymore.





    Sorry pictures are cut up. Metro is a retard

    5j5BdV2.png?1Nope didn't handle it peacefully whatsoever, nah instead of handling it peacefully I totally went full butt-hurt mode and disrespected you so hard.


    • Agree 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Punda said:

    All that I am saying is people were -1ing Chris' app because he was "inactive" when he was dealing with Irma for about a week, but you weren't on that much at all either. That's all that I am trying to point out.

    Again as I said, people were not only complaining about his activity during irma, but also before Irma. So I feel it is not fair to compare my overall activity to his activity and keep using Irma as a excuse.

  12. 34 minutes ago, Punda said:

    Well if he is inn that type of situation, then he should be focusing on that instead of trying to go for a very high up clone command position. Real life > RP, just like you said. I haven't seen any LOA/ROA saying that duck is in this type of situation, and from the looks of it as well, duck didn't want to apply for this position, and that you guys (NULL) pressured him into doing this. Also what Baxter said, if Duck is going through this, yet people are -1ing Chris' app because he's inactive, but just like you said Cipher that Duck hasn't been on due to school. Chris wasn't on due to Irma, theres no difference, its still not being on the server. It's pretty dumb and hypocritical like how Baxter said that you guys are -1ing Chris' app because "inactive"

    Just going to state this now cipher posted that of his own free will, as I did not feel it was worth posting it up. As although yeah you haven't seen me on last couple days, as I had 1 test Wednesday,3 Thursday and 1 Friday. I still hopped on late at night around 12:00 Pm for a good 30 minutes. Shit on Thursday after those tests I helped Hudson in his training with 187th. Dont believe me on that ask Hudson himself, it was 3 Null vs 4 187th. So for you to say you haven't seen me I don't feel is fully true but in some aspects it is. While people were complaining not only recently about Chris's activity the past few weeks, they complaining on how it was before hand. While you were complaining about just 3 days recently, so in some aspects we shouldn't be compared at all, and you really shouldn't be calling those who aren't comparing us "hypocrites"/

    On to what you were saying "He should be focusing on that instead of going for a very high up clone command position" because yes I will have school tests 24 fucking 7. Its not like it was just for 3 days in which I had a major amount of test. Nope. The fact you said that no offense makes me laugh. Me having to drop my attention from the server just for 3 days should not mean that it marks me ineligible for a position that could last months.


    Sorry for posting something on this, I didn't really mind Punda's first post as everyone is entitled to their opinions but cipher decided to post something so I felt that as me being his Batt-Commander and him being my Ordo, I should back up some of what he is saying, if I didn't then what is the point of having him as my Ordo if I don't have faith in him.


  13. [IMG]

    I'm going to stay neutral on this as I have no personal opinion on Joseph Although I am leaning towards a +1 as the dude can be helpful at times.


    1 hour ago, JirachiSirachi said:

    as of typing this, the server has 0 SC on in a server of 107. If the Shadow Company is rebuilding, wouldn't that mean that there would be at least one SC on to do tryouts? Face it Zomb, the SC are dying and you know it. Your officers are not active. I checked this an hour ago as well, and there were still zero. If there were SC on, I'm more than sure that Joseph would be more than happy to help you guys out. Of course, that's if you don't do what you do in every event I see you participate in and tell them to leave.

    I will give it to you SC is dead but what you are saying,no offense is spitting in the face of all the people who decided to come back and try to help SC. Max picked multiple hard working officers to come in and help rebuild SC.These people consists of Jayar, Freck, and even one of my own Nulls(Vanhorn) who is helping them create docs and get reformatted. From the looks of it early today they had 6 people on at the same time, the most the battalion has had recently. So no offense don't fucking expect what ever the fuck you are expecting. SC is rebuilding it takes time."Your officers are not active." The fact you believe its Zomb's officers makes me fucking laugh as only one person who was a officer under Zomb is currently an officer at the moment(and he only recently came back. Until Now SC had no Officers. So of fucking course "no officers are going to be active") .There have been other individuals that have come in to come and help. Zomb has had no opinion or choice in the SC as THEY AREN'T IN HIS REGIMENT ANYMORE. Again this is not ranting about Joseph in any way, its the fact that Jirachi said no one in SC at the current moment is trying to make the move towards rebuilding it. "If the Shadow Company is rebuilding, wouldn't that mean that there would be at least one SC on to do tryouts? Face it Zomb, the SC are dying and you know it"


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