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Unloved Bunny ^_^

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Posts posted by Unloved Bunny ^_^

  1. 1 minute ago, Nap the oof said:

    +1/-1 work on that grammar and spelling but those are good qualities. An important part of the staff app is to look professional so make sure you revise and edit it before you post it! Found some errors, as long with you capitalizing every word. OCD TRIGGERED

    Lol I Just Like to Capitalizing  Every Word

  2. RP Name: 187th JT MED PLT CPT Bunny

    Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:129668912

    Age: 13

    Gender: Male

    Timezone: Southern TimeZone

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I Love Helping People Out And On Star Wars Servers even More/ There Allot we can Make Better/ I Believe That This Can Be A Great Server And We Can Make It Even Greater/ Tickets Go Faster More People Have A Fun Time On The Server/ Hey Were All Here For Some Fun/ We Make Their Day Better By Solving Their Problems As Fast As Possible So That They Could Go back To enjoying The Server!

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I Am Active Allot/ I Go School For A Lil While But If Im Not on vacation Or Exams Ill Be On everyday As Much As Possible To Help,Keep The Server Running Well/ I Love Helping And Love The People On The Server There All Great People/ Im Serious When I Do Staff Tickets And I Know When To have Fun And Be Serious So Ye! ^_^

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