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Everything posted by Sinkliner

  1. I believe all are due to multiple arrests or rdm
  2. This is incorrect I do put the ban reason Offense: 5 Bans
  3. RP Name/Steam Name: Sinkliner Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:138499881 Date of Ban: 20/04/2019 Length of Ban: Permanent Offense: 5 Bans Banned By: Keltor Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Because I understand what i did was wrong I openly admitted I felt bad about my actions however whilst explaining this I told the honest truth and I got silenced and muted. I swear that I will never ever minge on the server ever again. Please may I be given another chance. I have been banned for quite some time now and believe it is time for me to return as I have learnt the errors of my ways in this time and I regret doing harm to the community.
  4. guys this is pretty saddening the backlash I am receiving
  5. I never said he made a mistake, I simply meant he silenced me during my ban and didn’t allow me to speak
  6. Guys I will change I promise
  7. My friend, is someone who I played with who I encouraged to join the server to go awol. However his game crashed after dying therefore when taken to a sit he had to restart his pc therefore he got falsely banned on account of LTAP
  8. All for multiple arrests. This is why I got each ban.
  9. Come on guys just give me a chance
  10. Please can people give reasoning
  11. RP Name/Steam Name: Sinkliner Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:138499881 Date of Ban: 20/04/2019 Length of Ban: Permanent Offense: 5 Bans Banned By: I am not sure his name, but he was a Jedi Elder Knight also a High Up Admin Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Because I understand what i did was wrong I openly admitted I felt bad about my actions however whilst explaining this I told the honest truth and I got silenced and muted. I swear that I will never ever minge on the server ever again. Please may I be given another chance. Evidence to support your claims: No evidence just a plea for one more chance. Thank you.
  12. Really my only issue is with the LTAP charge.
  13. I assure you I came as soon as I could. I’m sure you are aware it takes sometimes a few minutes to get back onto a server. Apologies in respects to the deaths I was not aware my crash killed them. I was trying to fly it up but it was in the ground and then exploded
  14. Unfortunately I do not know the name of the guy apart from his lore name blitz
  15. Actually if you wish to investigate further I believe one was highly involved in the event being a scout pilot in the ship
  16. I am sorry I do not know the names I think it was like some 327th or the Medical Battalion but they saw me crash however the names I do not know I am sorry
  17. RP Name/Steam Name: Sinkliner Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:138499881 Date of Ban: 14/01/2019 Length of Ban: 10 Days Offense: MRDM, Fail RP and LTAP Banned By: Blitz Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I would like the ban shortened or lifted because I believe my actions were misunderstood. What I did was 100% wrong as I decided to go into a star-fighter and start flying about and shot a little, then ending up crashing into the main bay (I am pretty sure I did not kill anyone which contradicts the MRDM charge which I do not agree with. As well as the LTAP, that was not an intentional ltap as clearly I came back within a minute. The reason I left in the first place was because when you crash in a ship and it is at an angle/upside down you need to re log as it makes your player upside down. Therefore I did this and when I came back I got banned for these reasons. I completely agree with the other charge of fail rp but I did not get a chance to explain myself and feel I was banned just on the spot with no questioning DESPITE seeing blitz past me and directly see me 30 seconds before. Evidence to support your claims: Unforunatley I do not have evidence and the most you could do were to check logs and things to see but I am sorry you will have to take my word for this. I am an honest individual however so please hear me out.
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