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About GoodTime

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  1. Join me my child in the retirement home! Where people leave the server. o7
  2. Name: Goodtime Who helped (If applicable): Baki, Aaron, Bogdan, Jaxx, Gadget(GH), Ganar (GH) Event Name: Scary Eyes 2222222222222 What was the result of the event?: The republic fends off the droids. Kills the blind man and B1 commander. Citizen is safe. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay and Shoot em up Summary: Scared Citizen is running to republic base asking for help from the Republic. As the citizen is explaining why he is scared. As he is doing this, a ship crashes on a hill. Turns out that BLIND MAN makes a CT kill himself by making that CT look into the blind man's eyes. Sith aka blind man starts to attack the base. B1 commander calls in assistance and droids come around the base.
  3. Good guy. Good MAJ. Would be a great admin +1 TR 212th HVL Goodtime (. .)
  4. Name: Goodtime Who Helped: Cutlaw, Gadget (GH), Techno (GH), Cdub, Omalic (GH), Frank, Cloud, Mar Swanson Event Name: Troubled Wookies Summary: A man and a wookie find our base and ask for help because they are being chased by droids. They tell the clones droids are near a building that is close to a lake. When they arrive there, droids are not there. Clones search Alpha. Later on, droids ambush the clones and huge battle happens. As the battle is starting to clear out, the wookie sees his brother being taken hostage. A sith lord is taking the brother hostage for Republic data. Result: Sith Attacked Negotiators and tried to kill other clones. fortunately, The attackers died and the Republic saved the hostage. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Was a Shoot em up and rp event.
  5. Name: Goodtime Staff Rank: A Length of LOA: 12/26/18 - 1/3/18 (or less possibly) Reason: Taking a break. I will keep in touch with everyone through TS. I can still attend staff meetings but only on my phone. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: YES
  6. Name: Goodtime Who helped: Doggo and Trilogy Event Name: Sickened Citizen Summary: A citizen was being chased by droids and crashed on Endor. Citizen was then taken to Main base. The citizen then infected a CT and cause an infection around the base. Result: Found a cure to the infection. Citizen made it back to his home. This event was a combat event I guess because droids invaded and zombies.
  7. +1 Liked the event. liekd the roger rogers
  8. +1 Good guy. Should be an admin
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