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Everything posted by Mordred

  1. -1 Though it was immature if it did happen. Not worthy of a staff report just sort it between you two or tell a higher member of staff this is just more drama and now you’re involving the whole forums so the drama will now spread instead of staying private and resolved.
  2. So all of you stop thinking of Reaver as someone who actually fucked the docs. He didn't really fuck it up. Though it was wrong, he didn't SABOTAGE it.
  3. My guy you're gonna go far in SR. Like seriously you are keep it up
  4. Hey guys it's the best Appo here. Don't really know what to say. Not sure if many of you guys know who I am xdd Anyways... Just wanna say good bye to my guys at Synergy I love you all. I hope the server goes very well. I wanna shout out my bois: @Orlando - Mate I hope you fukin get Admin one day xddd. Great guy he's been a great person to be with in 501st. Made 501st more fun to be apart of thanks man! @Reaver - See you in college tomorrow. @Phil- Worst XO ever. Won't accept my PokeOne invite. U big gey. @SR Longshot Admin - Guy who basically got me settled in the 212th thanks man. You basically kickstarted my time at Synergy! @[SR] Heart - Basically got me invested in Consular trials. Thanks you made everything a blast. I hope hope hope you get Gregor!!!!!!!!! You better or I'll come back and kill you. @[SR] Trixx [A] and @SnookieWilliams - Couldn't pick Snookie dunno what his forum name is but Trixx tell him for me <3. Anyways you guys were so friendly and nice to talk to you guys made one stressful week (You know what it's about) into something that I didn't have to stress on, on my own so I'd like to thank you guys for that as that really helped me out. Can't thank you guys enough ! @miguz - You pronounce your name as Nigu- Banned. @Quill Khan - Hope you have fun as Rex again! Make 501st great again! @Perri- Prob best BCMD made 212th really fun such a chill guy. @Stern- Sorry I fucked your first event idea. Fucking get SA show Synergy what a true event looks like! Thanks for being an active Naval helping me on my events such a big help! @✞ [SR] Havoc™ [A] - *Is my mic working?* SJDUISAHDIJAHSYGKASJUKALIJLO. Ded mic. You're a good kid I hope everyone treats you well on the server. And I hope you enjoy the time on synergy! @Spud and Sivo - I hope Tristan never allows you to have your own "Spud's Love Shack" @Anime Character- My one and only true Padawan "Well Knight now". Next few Padawans = Ew *Ahem* Reaver *ahem* Orlando. I hope you get Knight and be a God. @Omalic- Can't thank you enough for how you and Phil made 501st such a warm welcome. Thanks for recommending me for Appo! I enjoyed my time as WO! @Monnk- Your RP is fucking great keep it up. You'll go far in 501st! @IKE- Great guy to work with in 501st. I hope you go far in Synergy. Fucking fun to play with you! @Runner- GET A MIC! @Andrews53- You don't have the high ground anymore do you? @Rogue- ur gay. @Lucifer- I will one day murder you. Lucifer you're such a great guy I hope your Naval and Clone goes well! @Whisper- Play dat furry shit down my ear one more time... You're the reason why i quit :3. @Nade Jones- Probably best HA in the world. @Sinister- Thanks for getting me into the GM program. Though it was stressful. I'm glad you gave me a chance. Sorry for the early quit @[SR] Sanchez [VA]- Though I haven't really talked to you in the last few days. You've been a fun guy to work with on events! @Eclipse - Best WO in the world @Arctican- AGGRESIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE @Raven Stark - Get concer and doie I'm pretty sure this is basically everyone. Sorry if I left anyone else. So I love you I hope you have a great time on this server. Sad to go but life is killing me and yeah not having the same vibe from Synergy then before. Carry on growing Synergy! I'm proud to be apart of this community!
  5. Name: Sky Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:122424282 Staff Rank: Senior Admin Were you VIP: Yes Date: 10/14/2018 Reason for leaving: Welllllllllllllllll because of how some people talk to me and interrupt what I do completely wrong. But mainly stress from college. College eats at me and some people don't appreciate what I do. Also if you think this is @ you it probably isn't because it's like a lot of people. It's not a big thing if one person says it but it's been piling up with a bunch of people. So I've kinda had enough and left. Farewells: Gonna go bye bye hope the server goes all love u all
  6. You said you WOULD -1 if someone else puts up one. This is basically you saying -1 So please don't be so pissed off. I just voiced an opinion be civil
  7. Lol why the fuck you so aggresive XD.
  8. He plays on his clone quite a bit though that's the thing... If you're gonna -1 Please give a reason at least... ???? No reason for this? Also +1 I think you work your ass off. And if you get Gregor you'll work your ass off on Gregor. He is dedicated. All this people giving -1 with no reason please please please give a reason as just saying -1 means nothing. Like a -1 with reason can help people improve. And how could he improve with just -1 [No Reason]? I see him on his clone a lot as I'm usually always online when im at home and awake. So i have to disagree with that he's pretty active and Galia and his clone +1
  9. +1 Don't want him as GM dislike him... I HATE YOU QUILL +1 +1 +1
  10. Mordred

    IKE's Rex app

    Finally. It’s time for IKE to be reborn and fix us.
  11. Name: Sky Who helped (If applicable): Elijah, Wagner, Reaver, Stix, Woeny Event Name: The Heist Summary of the story: The zero squad (A group of bounty hunters) Cad Bane and Embo aboard the Venator. They still Binks but end up losing him after messing up negotiations. The bounty hunters die besides Cad Bane who escapes and Embo who gets captured and knocked out and is going to space Prison. What was the result of the event?: Cad Bane escapes and the rest die or get arrested Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  12. +1 he did a Oof but don’t we all unban him from TS and givehime like a time in game ban not a permanent that’s shit no fair :c
  13. @Turbine Ah yeah Nade talked to me about that. I'm sorry, it really looked like Scouty was struggling with the interrogation so I didn't want him to continue. My bad my guy Next few events I'll stick to it to the end. I'll improve thanks for the feedback!
  14. Reaver said you failed your roll on Arctican @molecul3
  15. Name:Sky Who helped (If applicable): Spooky,Scouty,IKE, Valykrie, Lucifer, Joker, Orlando, Stern Event Name: The Trials Summary of the story: A mad Sith Lord goes near the venator threating to blow up the venator with citizens on the Death Box. The Death Box conisisted of trials and bombs. Republic have to pass the trials rescue the citizen and defuse the bomb or the Venator blows up with it What was the result of the event?: Everything got saved and defused Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em Up
  16. Name: Sky Who helped (If applicable): Stern,Smith,Arctican,Apple,Omalic,Reaver Event Name:Massiff Bets! Summary of the story: 5 Massiffs a Jawa and a Citizen board the ship. They wanted to do a fun betting race! One of the Massiffs won but ate the Jawa and ran off. 2 Massiffs died but the 3 massiffs and citizens leave the ship alive. What was the result of the event?:2 massiffs and jawa died and the rest got out alive. It ended successfully Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Rolep lay rp
  17. Name: Sky Who helped (If applicable): Gaster, Kazuto, Omalic, Lucifer Event Name: Sneaky Assassination Summary of the story: Not really a story. Just wanted some fun assassination event. Commando Droids assassinate people on the ship. What was the result of the event?: Commando droids died but took a lot of casualties with them Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up
  18. @molecul3 Huh what happened?
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