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Posts posted by zeme

  1. Damn Inferno is goin' for Battalion Commander Bacara?! More like Battalion Commander Bacara is going for Inferno cause it is an honor to be in this man's presence. He's driven, he's got motivation, he's got passion, he's got more balls than the play pit in the Playplace. You want a Commander? You got a Commander. You want someone to provide you with an escape for the little bit of time you have on Garry's Mod? This man has more escapes than Osama Bin Laden. You want a quick witted ace in the hole shot to droid face in the heat of danger? Prepare for more saves than Skyrim on Very Hard.


    All things aside, actually no you can't push Inferno to the side. He's an unstoppable force that once out of the bottle can't be put back in. The only thing we can do now is get on our hands and feet looking for the cork but you'll be wet from a pile of Inferno's god given will to lead this Starship boldy into places only a Galactic Marine would venture.



    • Funny 1
  2. I went crazy for a second time when I thought I needed manipulation, I'm currently in the process of going crazy a third time because I feel I need my story in the world.




    My plan is to write two books, this first one will be for as much profit as possible to empower me with money as a product. The second one will only be written if I'm successful and will be as little profit as possible to empower others with a model of success. If the situation you're currently going through is financially tough please personal message me, as I'll then provide it for free. 


    Thank you for your belief again, I love you guys too.

  3. Thank you for your belief, I set out to create the biggest distraction possible as part of my tryouts for the 91st Battalion, with that I showed the world information they may not have been ready for. What I wrote cured my depression, and with that I became manic. Manic is a person who needs either sleep or to write and possesses truth out of order. The truth is simple, the truths of the world are linear and approach infinity. There are truths that are dangerous and inspire violence until the previous ones have belief. Where I went wrong is that I did not know I was incapable of objective truth, nobody is. The only thing I can do is subjectively provide happiness to myself and let others gain value from me. I was wrong in wanting celebrity, I was wrong in thinking I was the brightest mind in the world. After curing my depression I truly felt divine, like my brain was unlocked. I scared a lot of people.


    I'm lucky to still be here, but I know the reasoning. I will never harm another brother, however, with my wrongdoing I have harmed the entire brotherhood, and we all went through it together in one way or another. For that you and everyone you identify with have my eternal gratitude, and I promise to throw every square inch of my body towards those I am grateful for, with the goal of one day uniting the world and freeing us all to pursue creative endeavors.


    You'll see me around, but I am taking my recovery slowly.

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