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  1. Name: TRO 4thGM Jedi GML CLSI WS Garo Suggestion: I am proposing that the guardian skill tree of courage come with all the available light-saber forms for single saber. the reason for this is pretty simple i think that the light-saber instructors should have access to the forms they are to teach the other Jedi and it gives more validity to the guardians being the masters of saber combat choosing to wield their sabers over the advanced force abilities. Implementation: currently the rage force ability is broken so my simple proposal is to eliminate the rage ability from the skill tree and replace it with the rest of the forms granting a guardian access to them to not only allow us familiarity with the forms for teaching purposes but also to really drive home the guardian saber master feel. now i know that there will be some dislike of this opinion but i ask we look at it objectively Lore: in lore the guardians were masters of the saber and ALL of its forms the guardians spent all there time in the dojo learning the ways of the saber. the light saber instructors who were guardians taught ALL the Jedi not just there own so those Sentinels that learned agile learned it from there instructor as a youngling or padawan as well as the consulars and there versatile forms all learned from a guardian light-saber instructor so in conclusion it only makes since for us to have these forms so we can learn to use them and become true saber masters! Workshop content if applicable: no workshop adding required just an edit of the skills menu for jedi (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
  2. +1 I like to see brand new player choice driven events thank you for doing this
  3. +1 good use of only a few players gg my dude
  4. +1 good thought in the event good mix of shoot things and RP
  5. +1 love the effort for the EOD RP on the Prop Ship
  6. RP Name:TR GM SGT Myst Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:67247655 VIP (Y/N): Y Age:24 Timezone: Central Daylight Time Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I have staff experience in the past that was both rewarding and something fun to do for a server i truly care about, but the real reason to become an admin for me is to have the ability to become a Game Master. Star Wars Lore is one of my favorite topics and things to plan around. i have played a number of DND games IRL Revolving around the Star Wars Universe making me pretty well versed in the art of story telling and planning for the game itself. My aim is to eventually become a game master through the staff program and will diligently and proudly complete any task set before more to do so. all that being said to have events we need players and to retain players it is imperative that we have competent polite and helpful staff to aid them so all in all it comes right back to me completing my duties as an admin both during and not during events. to summarize i would like to do my best to work up the ranks of the staff program doing everything i can for synergy as a server and eventually earning the right to entertain our players with fun and engaging events. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): To Begin with i am 24 and a father of 2yr old boy named Elliot. I Enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons with my IRL Friends which is essentially another form of RP. I have Moderated on multiple different servers and i have multiple certificates in software development lua and various mapping programs as well all these skills i learned in an attempt to aid another server that didn't quite make it off the ground so i found my new home among synergy's player base. Do you have any previous staff experience? Yes indeed i do as i said before i learned a multitude of skills for a smaller server that couldn't keep its head above water and the owner decided it was too stressful for him so we shut our doors and here i am. before the shut down i had a number of run ins with white-listing programs, job listing programs TFA itself and other fun add-ons features and necessary commands within GMOD How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) TR GM SGT Myst has played for 306:26:36.
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