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About BlackWolf

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  1. RP Name: Wolfpack ARCL COL Dash-29/WhiteWolf Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:65196244 Age: 16 Gender: Male Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I've wanted to be an administrator ever since I was eligible on Icefuse. During my time on Icefuse I found it boring and not very accomplished on their staff team which is why I love being on synergy. I love taking part in a community that I find myself at home in. I personally feel that it's appropriate to give back and help ensure that people new to the community share that same experience you did when you started. The best way I feel someone can do this is by being an administrator and making sure that the server runs smoothly I've been staff before on Synergy but had some serious family issues come up and was extremely inactive but now I feel that I'm ready to rejoin the Synergy staff team and support the server whether it be monitoring for minges or something as simple as training. I want to feel that joy and pride in supporting a server I can call my home away from home again. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a high school sophomore and currently in a regiment marching band so I know a thing or two about responsibility as I am the brass captain. I have quite a bit of RP experience under my belt as I have been apart of many communities everywhere from a extremely strict military RP to a Combine military RP where most actions and /me's were almost that of a paragraph and very descriptive. Of course it's obvious that I am a Star Wars fan if I wasn't I wouldn't even be here. I'm a committal person usually sticking to something until it no longer exists such as a server or battalion so when I find somewhere I like I usually stay with it for a long time. Do you have any previous staff experience? I was staff on Icefuse for at least 90% of the year I spent on Clone Wars RP and then I was staff here on Synergy for at least the first two months of its creation.
  2. Update:I have power i am back and ok.
  3. Name: BlackWolf/Krotan Length of LOA: Unknown its still up in the air for how long it will take for hurricane Irma to pass through Florida and the state electric provider has already stated that once the power goes out it could be days before its back up if i get a definite answer of when i will be back i will not hesitate and update my situation asap. Reason: Currently my current situation is unknown as where i live is directly in the path of hurricane Irma and i may need to evacuate and i may loose my computer and other objects i'll try to be on as much as i can before the storm hits but i cant promise anything. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position:Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
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