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Everything posted by Keem

  1. Keem

    Day 3

    Good luck freck,I will assist you in our journey to make Naval great again.
  2. Keem

    Keem's ban appeal

    Yes i know but she has talked to me in that way too and post is vouching for me so i don't know why i'm getting banned,Please understand me and place yourselves in my position eventhough i know you guys wouldn't send that text.
  3. Keem

    Keem's ban appeal

    If two person was talking filth with each other privately,Nobody should get banned,common sense.
  4. Keem

    Keem's ban appeal

    I would have respect her as well but she didnt to me so i thought she's cool with this dirty thing,IT is literally a situation where two ppl talk diry to each other in TS and the guy gets banned,please think about this and read schowygee's reply.
  5. Keem

    Keem's ban appeal

    You have to understand my words and get my words through your thick head skull,She have talked to me and post in a TS channel in a very seductive way and i told her to stop but she kept going for a bit,so later in the day i just sent her 1 or 2 text like "suck me" because she's considered a friend now not like please suck me baby oh yeah i want to meet you,THAT WOULD BE FUCKING WEIRD AND WORTHY FOR A BAN.please understand what i'm saying and use some common fucking sense
  6. Keem

    Keem's ban appeal

    She did not even say stop sending or anything she just continued TALKING WITH ME without even saying a word about those SEXUAL texts and i'm not fucking lying,so i thought she knew i was joking now i find out she reported me?
  7. Keem

    Keem's ban appeal

    I haven't pm'ed her at all IN GAME as far as i can remember,i keep in game 100% serious
  8. Keem

    Keem's ban appeal

    It's really fucking stupid,if a girl does it,she wouldnt get shit,but if i guy does it jokingly,permanently ban from the fucking game,IT'S JUST a PM ON TS,not like i keep SPAMMING HER SEXUAL texts,it was like once or twice thats it and you guys are making it sound bad or horrible,all i said was like "suck me" HOW IS THAT A BAN,THINK ABOUT IT,we send inappropriate texts to all our friends,i don't get it,i know her and i have talked to her before,it's not like im sending the texts to a STRANGER
  9. Keem

    Keem's ban appeal

    I have not text her in game that is not me,only TS,and i was joking,I DO NOT MEAN IT AT ALL and TS is ooc so why do i get shit in game,just let me play the game and give me a warning to not text players inappropriately outside the GAME.I even said sorry to her at one point in the text message,i don't get why this is a PERMA.I had no intentions of meaning the words i say.I am 100% being honest here
  10. Keem

    Keem's ban appeal

    I don't get this cause i was joking and it was IN TS and SHE has also talked in a seductive way and said inapproriate things when i was in TS so she has acted inappropiately,i don't get why is this a PERMANENT ban IN GAME when i have done nothing wrong IN GAME nor have i trolled IN GAME,all i did was pm her inappriotely like for a DAY not throughout a WEEK,PERMANENT BAN over a few joking texts in TS?,come on,temporary ban would've suffice or warning,but a permanent ban?
  11. RP Name: QMI Midshipman Keem Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:50915228Date of Ban:11/1/18 Length of Ban:Eternity Offense: I do not know Banned By:GM BCMD Bacara Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?:I do not know why i was banned..the reason was "put" Evidence to support your claims: 1
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