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Everything posted by Forge

  1. Name: Forge SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76791814 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: Way too much I would like to say around 550 or more From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7 I have seen each movie about a hundred times and watch the series 2 complete times and plan to watch it again. How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: 8 Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes i do Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Phase 1: A long time ago in a galaxy far away...... Someone Mysterious board the venator without setting off any sensors and jumps the ship into hyperspace while all naval are in a important meeting. The destination they arrive is unknown territory in the outer rim, from there at assailant send out a beacon to their near by friends. While the naval are still confused as to what is going on the assailant sabotages the Comms deck elevator trapping the naval where they are. Little did they know there was a second aboard the ship in the engine room cutting comms and disabling the ships shields. This allows the other members of the pirates to board the ship and loot the ship of all valuables. As the clones fight the pirates off the beacon is also recieved by the CIS. As the CIS start their attack they fire upon the comms deck and destroy it. This means all naval that were in comms are now dead (unless a engineer was able to reactivate the comms deck elevator.) so there is no way of contacting other Republic ships for help. Phase 2: After the CIS destroy comms they start sending waves of droids aboard the ship. This adds trouble to both clones and pirates, as they fight against eachother they have to fight droids that keeps coming. Suddenly in the middle of battle a large robotic creature enters through the sky gate. as he ignites his light sabers we all realize it is the infamous General Grievous. Phase 3: As Grievous cuts up the clones he finds out a pirate has found and stole a Jedi Holocron His main goal is to find the pirate that took a Holcron from the Jedi and bring it back to Count Dooku. if he finds it and escapes he wins or If they weaken him enough he will retreat back to his ship and leave the area. After this all forces should focus back on the pirate scum and take back the ship. Phase 4: By this time all pirates should be dead or being interrogated 1 by one on why they had come to the ship. Once this is finished it is time for DB. After DB is over engineers should get to work on fixing comms deck and the engines if needed. Like this
  2. + fucking 1 my dude! You were amazing to have in the 101st and have only been better since you joined the 327th. Not only did you become Blys right hand man but you also took on many different tasks that were given to you.
  3. +1 Why the hell not. You are my former commander after all
  4. +1 makes some fun event even though the mic spasms
  5. Thank you all for these kind words. <3
  6. Steam Name: Forge RP Name: TR 101st SSL Commander Forge Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:76791814 Battalion/Area you are applying for: 101st Battalion (Not Just Training) Experience: 101st Commander: 3 weeks and hope to go further with my career in the 101st 187th Lieutenant: Unknown time (Only on Icefuse) Why should you become a Commander?: I have been with the battalion for a while now and I believe i have enough experience to become the BCMD of the 101st. For about three weeks now i have been one of the commanders of the 101st and i have been the previous BCMD's right hand man. Being able to have the ability to train new recruits when they join is actually fun to me unlike others and it feels rewarding at the end of the day. I have worked along side most of my men for the past month and formed a bond so great they would follow me to the next generation of recruits. I try to talk with every other battalion as much as possible to better the link between each battalion, this way there is no big fallout between one another. I am also always on the server when i can and that is most of every day. Do you understand the lore of your battalion? Yes i do Availability: Any time depending on my current week schedule for work. I am mostly on between the hours of 9 PM EST - 5:30 AM EST Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 125 HRS (or since the server started) Do you have a microphone? Hell Yes i have a Microphone What plans do you have for the battalion you are applying for? I plan to have my men host daily training on Faces, Formations, and trigger discipline to better the new recruits or current battalion members. I hope to recruit more members the the 101st's cause and bring us to being a full battalion by the end of my time as the BCMD. I plan to slow down on promotions within the officer ranks due to how i will be watching over each officer to make sure they deserve a promotion to the next rank. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position? Yes i understand.
  7. +1 My dude has dedication to the server and to the battalions!
  8. Thank you everyone for all the kind words! <3
  9. +1 for being a great charismatic guy all around!
  10. +1 fuck yeah you were great to talk to while you were still in the 101st when it came to either serious or non serious matters and i think you deserve it after everything you did on hat other server which i shall not name!
  11. Forge

    Cmo's App

    +1, CMO is always working hard with his battalion. He is always very helpful when needed and his RP can be fucking amazing
  12. RP Name: TR 101st SSL Commander Forge Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:76791814 Age: 18 Gender: Male Timezone: EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): There are many reasons I would like to be staff but the most important one is that i find my self to be a community man. I always try to help as many people who are on the server depending on the issue. I have been recommended by many of my current and previous battalion members for me to become staff due to how i am always striving to help as many people i can. It would help my battalion due to how we have so many recruits who join since we are the 101st and we are the 2nd line of defense when they join so we can crack down on RDM and other minge features. I feel like i could help the community by being a Administrator by enforcing the rules. I am also a trainer so it would help me in the process of getting the CC's white-listed so they can start enjoying this great community server. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am 18 years old, I go to college and have a part time job and i always strive to be on the server when ever i can (which is about 5 - 6 hours a day). I strive to help others whether it is IRL or playing another video game. Also i hope many people would agree that i am very nice and care for others well being especially when it is IRL related because that is what comes first in the end. Like this
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