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Posts posted by Rhyain

  1. +1

    This is not just a man or a commander, he is a good friend and a complete legend. He gave me a new home when I was lost looking for a new battalion. Grum wants what is best for the battalion and does all he can for us. Even with a graveyard shift he is one of the most active commanders I've seen. He does a lot of behind the scenes and in-game making sure 91st looks great all the time. I'd love to serve by you for another term.

  2. [loading...]
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    :// Staff Biographies 
    :// Researchers
    :// Ryan Roland


    Image Reference 

    Name: Ryan "Kon" Roland
    Date of Birth: 5/26/1990
    Place of Birth: Atlanta, Georgia
    Sex: Male
    Nationality: Vietnamese
    Marital Status: Single
    Occupation: Researcher
    Previous Occupations: Head Surgeon of [REDACTED] Hospital, Neurosurgeon, 
    Affiliation: SCP Foundation
    Relatives: Deceased
    Notes: Still in shock from the recent losses, prefers to work alone, and ticked off easily. His losses leaves him unaffected by most events leaving experiments to happen quickly, be in utmost profession, and be very effective. Past medical experiences leave a lot of good signs and a few bad. The nickname "Kon" comes from the many cons or problems he has with others.


    Height: 5'9"
    Build: Average
    Hair color: Dark Brown
    Eye color: Dark Brown
    Skin Tone: Tan
    Notes: Daily mental check ins are highly recommended. Any signs of a mental disorder is to be reported IMMEDIATELY to the Site Director.  Any inhumane actions are to be dealt with accordingly.

    :// File End
    :// Closing

    {Connection Terminated]


  3. On 10/5/2018 at 2:34 AM, Joah said:

    Persons suffering from crippling depression, after interacting with SCP-999, have returned completely cured with a very positive outlook on life. The possibility of marketing SCP-999’s slime as an antidepressant has been discussed.


    Im going to eat him

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