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Posts posted by Lope

  1. RP Name/Steam Name: Lope
    Steam ID: idk
    Date of Ban: 23rd November 
    Length of Ban: Perma
    Offense: "Stealing content"
    Banned By: Zim ( I think)
    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Why? You should shorten it at least because what happened was Freck advertised a Dark RP I joined it (Just gonna add the server was up for like 3 days) and I joined it. A few days later I get a ping saying anyone in here is perma banned. I didn't understand why and they said they where using synergys model. I then got Permanently banned for this and banned for stealing "Synergy" members even though I invited 7 people I know in real like to the server as I wanted some more people to play Dark RP. I never even knew content was being stolen all that happened was I was in the discord server nothing else and I invited a few people like Freck. Next thing I know I am banned for "Leaching" There is no evidence that shows that I did anything wrong and I would happily give access to the logs to prove that I did nothing wrong. 
    Evidence to support your claims: No evidence other than a picture that shows everyone that joined on the date I invited people. 

  2. RP Name: CG HVY MSG Lope 

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:140263839 

    Age: 14

    Timezone: GMT

    Why I want to be an administrator: I want to be a administrator so I can help the server out for the better. I have seen people minging and I would like to help prevent that or stop it from happening. I want to help everyone around the server and answer any questions anyone has so they can have a good experience on Synergy. I have been on Synergy for quite some time and I always wanted to be admin but I decided to get more experience before I applied and I have seen good from bad and I know what to do in most situations. I want to make sure everyone's experience on Synergy is as good as it can be and I would make sure of that when being an administrator. I am active and I have seen a few things happening and there has not been enough to deal with it, I would go to every call I get and make sure it would go answered and make sure the situation  is dealt with correctly. 

    Tell us a little about yourself: I go to School and try get the best grade I can. In my spare time I like to go on Synergy or go out with my and talk to my Family. I like doing sports and I Ski on a regular basis. 

    Do you have any past staff experience: Yes but on smaller servers and different games.

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server?: 433:58:06


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