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Everything posted by BCNS

  1. Wait Why was it my name all over this???
  2. ehhh appreciate all the +1 lads, this i why i always enjoy this community . Hope i get the chance to bring back some unique events that can make a impression and we can all remember
  3. RP Name: TR ARC 501st ARC CSM BCNS Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:37238865 Age:22 Gender: M Timezone:EST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): detailed Planning of fun RP option events was something I always prided my self in as a game master and It's something I once again would like to do in the server. I want to be able to do as much as I can to help the Server Grow as much as I can and assists all of the players. I get to do this by being part of the staff team and assisting and guiding players to enjoying a fun star wars experience.even the never ending work of minges I want to be able to do it all again.I consider myself a very patient person and I'm willing to drop an Event any time to help anyone who's needing help with a ticket. I believe in a zero-tolerance policy for harassing another person on the server. It's a Personal pleasure of mine to jail or ban anyone who's keeping someone from enjoying their time on the sever. I'm quite eager to hopefully get back to the Grind again and then being able to maybe take up the Game Master Reins again and bring some more fun times to the server.Being an Admin where I will be able to place dupes and set up sims for the players is a Great way I think for me to help everyone fun on the server during the off hours. It is a regret of mine to have been gone for so long but between mother nature, and Family I need to take care of first it was, unfortunately, unpreventable, I've got a good bit of experience with being a staff member and tons of relationships with this great community and im Happy to be back with you all again. -Keeping it Crispy, Purple Pride World WIde -BCNS Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am 22-year-old College student set to graduate this year.I Started playing Gmod with Starwars G-mod and have never had as much fun with any other game.I Own a Small Youtube Channel Where I enjoy playing several Games, G-mod StarWars being a Big part of It, SO if you see me around plz Say HI.Besides that I Usually Spend most of My days Split between, Working, school, and The Gym, Halo is my Favorite Video Game Franchise and I've probably spent more then I should on Different sort of Halo Consoles.The 187th still holds a special place in my heart even to this day and I still think of it as one of my fondest memories playing sort of video game From all the Great and wonderful people I met( You know who You all are and plz never Hesitate to shoot me a message you "Guys and Galls" where like an extended family to me Do you have any previous staff experience: Previous Experience with Icefuse Staff, SynergyStaff (VA) , Synergy (TRO), Synergy(Admin trainer Program) Synergy(Game Master)
  4. BCNS

    Add 187th

    I'm aware Im remaining Neutral
  5. BCNS

    Add 187th

    Just Starting Off I know This is a huge shot in the dark though it still makes my heart happy that there is a memory of the 187th still being talked about till this day, Purple Pride World Wide I would love to see the return of Battalion Commander Faoeoa (if he would take it.) Being back in Purple would bring back all of my memories and love that I originally fell in love with when I first started playing G-Mod. While Im still not 100% sure what happens to the 187th after my encounter with a Hurrican and my departure for Synergy I was sad to see them removed when I returned Just an Idea of how it would Work Barracks - A Hangar in the MHB. As a Paratrooper Battalion, It Makes sense they would always be on standby to deploy Unique feature - Have all 187th troopers begin with a Jetpack equipped to there class, (Or the addition of parachutes exclusive to the 187th on the event server) Standing in the Server - To be Treated as a Special Operation Battalion, they would not need to be as large as an attack battalion such as the 501st or 212th, Instead, they would act as a small squad that specifies in disciplines and effective air deployment I know that as for the biggest argument about the 187th is the brief lore they have or that it would require the removal of something from the server to add them.For the Issue with the removal of another Battalion that would not be needed.The 187th I know loves nothing more than Jumping. all that would be required is to set aside a Hanger in the MHB in one of the empty hangars( or a small corner of the docking bay) ( not enough to interrupt sims but a small corner for a humble office, if the Docking bay would be the best choice. LORE As for the question of lore is an undeniable fact that the 187th existed in the star wars universe.Now isn't the primary point of this great server is to take the characters that we know where in the clones wars and to get to play out all of the great experiences and battles that we get to see on the big screen or in episodes. The 187th in the server gives the players tthe oprotunity to play out all of the potential battles we never go to see before in movies or the TV shows. We've bent lore before for the enjoyment of the players before to ensure a more fun role-playing experience.With the Hundreds if not thousands of Darth Lord and apprentices that have been created in the event to allow for the players to roleplay with these characters. Now is it impossible that there were secretly hundreds of hidden sith that we never go to see in the films or movies... No. Is it improbable, Yes? Though do we care... HELL NOO. It's something that was probably in the clone wars universe and that could easily have happened in many of the adventures we never got to see in films or animated series, just like the 187th. After all, Creating and experiencing the unknown tales of the Star Wars Univers is what God is all about, Why not let the 187th be apart of playing out all of those unknown experiences with there fellow Brothers. Pre made and ready each time this disccusion arises. I would love to see the return but the community always has the finale say
  6. BCNS


    Name: BCNS Who helped (If applicable): Rogue , Blaze Event Name: Insulting the Trade Federation Summary of the story: After recovering 4 lost droids from a destroyed trade federation ship they receive an embassy from the trade federation. Due to the Embassy being detained, neutered, beaten, and violated the trade federation now seeks compensation and revenge from the Republic What was the result of the event?: the embassy was not bargained with and instead was turned into an illegal POW, leading to a very Hostile and bloody response that will come from the Trade Federation Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role Play
  7. Name:Dark (BCNS) Who helped (If applicable):Rogue Event Name:Mandalorian Hideaway Summary of the story: after the last base on chaos was destroyed some of the deathwatch escaped and formed a new base on blue hills word comes that they took some high officals in the procces so CG SO DU and 41st are called there there is a nearby town that 41st go to to retreive data while so cloaks in to find hostage and cg starts defending FOB with DU while pushing to main base when SO find him the comms will be jammed so SO will not Be Able To Comms in so 41st will have to comms it in (comms jammer does not reach town) once inside they will hopefully extract the hostage safley but he could die to the oncoming threats of deathwatch the base has alot of side things like reactor 1 and 2 reactor coolers and a sheild jen for the comms jammer,and generators, there is also AA (anti air) wich limits use of vehicle after that its playerbase what they do What was the result of the event?: Full success and recover of the VIP Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up
  8. BCNS

    Deceived Ends

    Name:BCNS Who helped (If applicable):Collinin Alfa Event Name: Deceived Ends Summary of the story:A new Sith empire is on the precipice of its rise when a rogue Mandalorian flees from the service of the sith. fleeing to the Republic vessel sith lord Valos sends in a battalion of his Hired and loyal Mandalorians lead bye his apprentices to silence the rogue traitor before he says too much . What was the result of the event?: The sith where repelled and the Mandalorian captured Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with small elements of RP
  9. BCNS

    No Mercy for RM

    Name:BCNS Who helped (If applicable): Alfa Event Name: The Destruction of Republic Medics Summary of the story: The Republic Recieve a distress signal from the resupply Republic Vessel, "The Mercy" contained an experimental virus sent my the chancellors office for it to be researched and weaponized. The virus breaks containment during transit and results in the destruction of the vessel, The republic finds it self-trying to avoid the same end by finding the infected personal that emanate a green gas from there bores. The troopers race against the clock in order to be able to find and cure what crew they can before it's too late What was the result of the event?: Infection was cured and Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role play , most players where doing fight club, but as others got involved tried to add a shooting element
  10. BCNS

    Blaze's Shrink Ray

    +1 loved the hologram rp
  11. BCNS


    Due to the my computer having some corrupted drive im going to have to sadly extend the LOA, hopefully i can be back on the server soon, i would really hope that all my work getting back into the staff team wont be screwed up by this 10 day leave. Im going to try my best to come back as fast as i can if no progress is made on the repair of my desktop bye the end of tomorrow ill be , going out to purchase a temporary laptop. hoping to get back into the fun of enjoying the server with you all here very soon - BCNS
  12. BCNS


    Name: Length of LOA 6-8 days Reason:Going out of town for next week to work the Master's Golf Tournament, Family needs the extra money and its too much to pass up for just a week of work Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position:I understand I will do my best to Try and Do Some TRO duties while away , simply just hosting a couple tryouts , but there is no way i will be able to oversee events Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?:I understand
  13. BCNS

    Galactic Conquest

    Name: BCNS,Matra, Zyner Who helped (If applicable): BCNS, Fours, Prince,Rackarain,Korm,Matra, Pythin Zyner, Kase,Brem Event Name:The Republics Galatic Conquest Summary of the story:A 5 planets Galaxy is in the midst of war and the Republic and their forces are deployed in order to seize control of the system and bring it under Republic Rule. With Mandalorian, INfected and Sith Factions, the Republic Must bring there best this day in order to free this section of the Galaxy from these rouge factions Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up, & roleplay
  14. yea that was my error woeny accidentally hit the invincible button on the health, It was supposed to be 350 not god mode ill take the L for that one, glad you enjoyed the RP
  15. Name:BCNS Who helped (If applicable): Quill Event Name:The Suprise Attack on Coruscant by Massifs?? Summary of the story: A ship carrying a cargo of Massifs is found drifting in space.The Republic take the ship onboard and begins to search the vessel.The beast immediately flee from the ship and begin to scatter and cause confusion.In the Confusion, the Beast Master Manages to broadcast the signal to a location to a CIS fleet.When the Fleet Arrives the Venator radios to the planet below for assistance and a Strike team is sent to assists What was the result of the event?: The Republic Forces get pulled into the attack on Coruscant and manage to repel the CIS forces.The Attack Assault team Recvoer the devious Massif tamer and is bringing them back to Coruscant for interrogation. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event:shoot em up
  16. Who helped (If applicable): Prince, Matra,Mercy, Bentley, Ralwen, Tie, Gladiator, Canadian, Meow, Deadly, Dark Event Name: The Senator's Salvation Summary of the story: After tracking the Senator Signal to a foreign planet the republic forces where deployed to recover the senator to the corrupted city.The city had been long abandoned due a biological weapon detonated in the city. The mercenary Forces Where Attempting to use the city as cover in order to be able to exchange the Captured Senator to the CIS. Republic forces were deployed to recover the Senator and to rescue any of the remaining civilians Da.What was the result of the event?: After Heavy casualties, the Republic forces managed to save the Senator and to escort him off the planet Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  17. Who helped (If applicable): Canadian, Ralwen Carter, Ordo Event Name: The Senator's Dirty Secret PRT 2 Summary of the story: During one of a senator's dirty nightlife affairs he goes missing in the lower Sections of NarshadAR. Republic forces are sent in to assist the local Security Forces in the Recovery of the Senator.Once there they are to gather intel from the local Populis to discover the location of the Senator Da.What was the result of the event?The troopers pushed through the city and routed out the corruption but unfortunately, the Mercenary leader Fled with the Senator Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: ROLE PLAY, Then Shootem Up
  18. Name:BCNS Who helped (If applicable):Stix, Unkindles, Vos, Canadian , Kurama, Ralwen, thorision,Artican Event Name: The Senator's Dirty Secret Summary of the story: During one of a senator's dirty nightlife affairs he goes missing in the lower Sections of NarshadAR. Republic forces are sent in to assist the local Security Forces in the Recovery of the Senator.Once there they are to gather intel from the local Populis to discover the location of the Senator Da.What was the result of the event?:It was a bit cluster.With troopers glitching through the walls, and fellow staff fading doors areas meant to be cut off it confused the forces deployed. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: ROLE PLAY
  19. I Understand you Frustration Maymays, but the "Garage: was built to be just another part of the mountain to help encourage the Rp with the Dooku event job, A stray admin took it upon themselves to delete that wall with no approval by either of the game makers The players choice was there to choose how you concluded the event passively with Dooku , or hostile and with the Commodores death
  20. Name: Who helped (If applicable): Alec,badDog, Boomber ,Badger,Juan, Elijah, Artican,Comic Event Name: The Rescue of Commodore GoodDog Summary of the story: After Being Captured Commodore GoodDog is being held by Dooku on Geonosis.The Republic forces have licked their wounds and have launched an Invasion of the Counts Main Facility to Recover their Commodore. What was the result of the event?: The Commodore Died and Dooku Escaped and the Batlle of Geonosis Continue to Rage On Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented even: Shoot Em Up, attempted RP
  21. Name: BCNS Who helped (If applicable): Alec, Canadian, Arctican, Monty, Juan,Baddog, Comic,Ragen Event Name: The Desperate Aid to Geonosis (Slave 2) Summary of the story: The Republic is in desperate need of Additional forces during the siege of Geonosis. A new batch of Shinies is being deployed to assist them being lead by a veteran batch of Clones deployed by the Venator.The CIS gets wind of this deployment effort and has dispatched forces to stop the republic resupply effort.It is now up to the forces of the Salvation to repel the CIS and to ensure the reinforcement to Arrive What was the result of the event?: The Commodore Was Captured and brought to Geonosis, Now the Republic forces are Falling back to lick their wounds and to find a way to Retrieve the Commodore Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented even: 20 Minutes of Passive RP followed by A siege of the CIS
  22. Name: BCNS SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37238865 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 1000-1100 hours From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I've got a good amount of experience from both Leadership positions in the past as well as from running an event from my Past Gamemaster Experience Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Invasion of Kamino. The Republic Forces receive information that the CIS is Currently in a vital stage in the construction of a new Anti Life weapon. A weapon that is capable of targeting only biological life rendering any droid forces unaffected.The Republic forces will receive the briefing letting them know that the weapon is being escorted from the testing facility to a transportation station.The troopers Orders will be to Set up an ambush to along the escort path of the weapon and to seize it from the CIS.The Troops will be warmed the weapon is highly combustible and are advised not to fire randomly at the convoy's vehicles otherwise it may go off. After attacking the convey whether they manage to seize the weapon intact or it imploding the remaining forces will push to the research facility gather all intel on the weapon and destroy the complex before EVACING.
  23. BCNS

    Bleach's New Weapon

    +1 for good Rp backing of the story with the THX Models -1 ensure you have enough time to do an event though bud
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