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GM-3022 Havok

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Posts posted by GM-3022 Havok

  1. :PepeHands: We're done for!!! 21st is dead for sure!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!


    Okay memes aside, I am quite sad to see you go.

    I'll be honest, I did see this coming. But I don't blame ya one bit. You've done a metric fuckton for this battalion. I remember when you were Keller way back on SLG and you and Prince made me and two other troops do one full Gregor lap around MHB. (forgot what it was for.) My finger was numb for 15 minutes after that shit because I was holding CTRL down for so long. Then you stuck around and became Bacara after Gadget and became Bacara again after Matra.

    I think you're a really good person, Qal. You helped a lot of people during your time in the 21st Nova Corps / Galactic Marines of the 4th Sector Army. And you did a hell of a lot of fighting for us not just on the field but when the update basically screwed us over with little warning. And even when basically everyone was complaining about how badly the update fucked us over, you still maintained that calm-like attitude and explained to everyone why it happened and then tried your hardest to undo some of the damage. (which frankly, paid off in the end.) Seriously, cannot thank you enough for doing all that talking/arguing with management. I know it probably wasn't simple. 

    And you did a lot of good events for us and the server too as gamemaster.

    Most importantly, you along with Matra and Gadget (and the other officers) understood my situation and really helped me out to the best of your ability when my dad died back in January and I went on indefinite ROA/LOA. (I was really considering just leaving the battalion outright then too, I was so overcome with grief.) 

    Okay, I'm not going to write a super giant wall of text. (Although I think it's too late now, lol.) Don't need one to tell you that this battalion was lucky to have you and you did great. You deserved that position, and worked this battalion to it's core.

    I would've +1ed in a heartbeat if you had chosen to reapply again. So, thank you for all the time and effort you put into the 21st Nova Corps / Galactic Marines of the 4th Sector Army as well as the server itself, thank you for pulling our asses out of the ashes multiple times and setting us straight, thank you for fighting for us, and thank you for seeing potential within me despite the setbacks I faced. I know I seem like a dunce sometimes but I promise to not waste this LTC position and use it for it's intended purpose as well as do my best as a LTC. 

    o7 goodbye, good luck, and here's a little somethin extra I made sometime after the officer meeting on Friday. (Also going in the discord too because why not?)



    (Tried to fit the rest of 21st in there too but it bloated the picture too much apparently. Sorry ya'll I'm a noob at meme-maker.) :DERPPERS:


    Small edit: I know that you'll be back to apply for 5th Fleet commander when they finally get added :pepeLaugh:

    • Friendly 1
  2. After reading all of these posts, here's my two cents on all this:


    In my humble opinion, we should never have tried to overcomplicate TECH, and we sure as hell shouldn't have wiped it. IMO, SOBDE did a much better job at teaching and hosting TECH, but then they got the wipe hammer and we were forced to take the burden of TECH while they got their collective shit back together. And we should have kept it simple. But oh my god, revision after revision until it led to a wipe. Biggest mistake we ever made with it TBH.

    TECH Shouldn't be something like, "roll to push these goddamn buttons because you are an incompetent fuck." What it should do is promote ROLEPLAY. For instance, before the addon with the datapads, there were many ways you could go about hacking any console. Take the easy route and use slicer chips or scrambler keys for instant access or the hard route where you plug in/wirelessly sync your datapad and actually try to hack said console. You shouldn't have to roll for every single basic action. I've tried to stress this when teaching TECH and EOD rp. You don't have to roll for something so simple like pushing a button or buttons you just have to roll for say, using a hack program or doing something that can fail, like trying to unscrew a panel with rusted as fuck screws.

    Example: /me inserts slicer chip to save time. (you could do this two times.) if you succeeded, you skip all of the datapad BS. Same with the scrambler key.

    Which brings me to my 2 cents on people saying "we shouldn't roll because RP shouldn't be RNG based" because obviously, a heavily encrypted system locked with a password you don't know will be hacked immediately with next to zero effort in less than 2 minutes. The reason you rolled was because you weren't going to succeed in hacking every single time. Not every single terminal is the same. Getting a bad roll simply means the console security is doing it's job and trying to keep you out and you need to try harder to hack it.

    And the reason you had to do additional hacking for files within the terminal is because it's like a school computer: You ain't gonna have full and unrestricted access when you log in, so some features/files will be locked by a higher power. And this is why you had the option of downloading them for hacking later or hacking into them right there. 


    On 6/30/2020 at 10:06 PM, Metro said:

    Actually doing the thing > Typing out Paragraphs of unintelligible bs. It's prolly one of the better new additions to the server.


    Look at sev in the video. What is he doing when hacking the terminal? 


    Typing out Paragraphs of unintelligible bs.

    Exactly. So actually rping out hacking a terminal isn't much different.


    But yeah, we shouldn't have tried to make TECH super complicated. IMO, the old TECH was simple and effective. And wiping it was a big mistake. One that we don't plan on repeating anytime soon. (hopefully never.)

    Now my issue with lumping TECH in with bENG is this basically forces people who just want to learn how to use the datapad and/or hack shit to go through extra training to learn how to fix engines and vehicles when they simply want instructions on how to hack. And we shouldn't have pushed all TechRP into the new addon, we should've kept the old /me part of hacking as a failsafe in case either the addon breaks, there are no ENG jobs available to give out hack tools or hack stuff themselves, or in case a gamemaster just wants to save time by putting down a terminal prop and saying, hack this.

    Pushing everything into the addon basically forces all events with TechRP require an ENG job or require the gamemaster to spawn hack tools for people when people who know how to rp out hacking are readily available. Like literally, before the addon, whenever we ran into a terminal, all we had to do was ask, "who's tech trained?" Now we have to ask, "where the f**k are the engineer jobs?" Which is why I think pushing all TechRP into the addon was a bad idea.

    But if everyone feels that we can make this new addon work with zero issues, go for it. I still feel old TechRP needs to stick around as a backup.

    TL;DR: Tough shit. Speed read it.

  3. When I read the title I thought you meant drop-pods for droids and I was going to give a fat +1 to functioning droid drop-pods that spawn droids until they are destroyed. But when I saw that you wanted this for clones, yeah no. Here's why:

    212th 2AC has jetpacks for a reason. So they can "paratroop" down onto enemy fortifications. (Hence why they are called 2nd Airborne Company and why 212th is part of the 7th sky corps.) Adding drop-pods not only makes 2AC useless as well as take away their uniqueness, but this isn't needed. At all. 2AC don't need no case of steel to rain hell down on their enemies. All they need are their jetpacks, their wits, and their blaster. Plus that giant bulky thing will be shot out of the sky due to it being a much larger target whereas 2AC individually are much harder to hit with AA cannons when paratrooping because they are much smaller.

    Also when this thing lands, it will be a massive-ass target if landed in the middle of an enemy fortification and the clone inside will be toast in seconds of leaving the drop-pod whereas paratroopers can control their descent as well as where they land and land silently without alerting every droid within 3 miles to their location or land where there is no droid activity at all then waste the droids when they least expect them.

    Adding this for SO is even more useless because this thing will draw attention to SO which is supposed to be you know, a stealth unit? A LAAT can drop them off outside of enemy radars and they can infiltrate the base more efficiently and in half the time it takes for this ridiculous contraption to break atmosphere and make a loud as fuck crashing sound when it lands therefore botching the stealth mission before it even begins. The same goes for SOBDE weather if its a stealth mission or not.

    And as others have already pointed out, this is an asset ripped straight from halorp. And I guarantee if this were to be accepted, then the suggestion box will be filled with suggestions to add other things from halo. If Joah want's to add HaloRP as a server one day, more power to him, but right now, please keep this server star wars related.

    Now, there is a drop-pod in lore, but this was only used by the rebel alliance when the galactic civil war started after the Republic and CIS broke down. The republic never used drop-pods. They always stuck to the more efficient LAAT's to both transport troops to ground as well as drop paratroopers from high altitudes, and deliver as well as extract allied heavy vehicles and cargo



    TL;DR: This thing is/will be useless, we don't need it. LAAT's and jetpacks FTW. 



  4. God I can't tell you how badly I want this vehicle so the Galactic Marines lore can be more complete. But because the server lags enough even on a good day and crashes outright on a bad day, I'm going to have to -1.


    If you can find a way to shrink the filesize down to acceptable levels, or find a version that isn't so chunky, I will change to a +1

  5. Or instead you could make the ladder prop invisible but keep the actual ladder tool there and have the bounty hunters RP that they used a grappling hook or magnetic claws/gloves to sneak into base rather than make the Republic look like incompetent fools for leaving an oh-so-obvious ladder prop propped up on walls so people can completely ignore the closed rayshield. This way it actually seems like they tried and succeeded to get into base rather than exploiting a dumbass weakness in our fortified walls.

  6. SuperiorServers (Pls don't ban be for mentioning them.) Has this exact system in place however it isn't an addon, I believe that was custom made and coded by the Server dev himself. How it works is pretty simple:

    There are 2-3 droid vendors that can spawn ships in different hangar bays. A B C or D

    You MUST be a part of the republic pilots battalion to use them. If you are not part of the republic pilots or in a battalion/sub unit that can use the droids, it flat out won't let you spawn a ship/vehicle.

    It only lets you spawn one ship/vehicle at a time. Once spawned, it won't let you spawn another until the previous one is destroyed or despawned by the ship spawner droid. 

    Once you are finished using the vehicle, you can park it anywhere and either use the droid to despawn it or press your undo button to despawn it.

    It is even taken one step further and disallows certain vehicles to be spawned if the pilot is not trained for them such as a LAAT, ARC-170, Y-wing, TX-130, and so on. (I.e if the pilot is only trained for ARC-170, he may only spawn an ARC-170.)


    The version i'm seeing in the workshop link looks like it could work, but if you want it to not be abused, one or more of the devs are going to have to add some custom lua to it or configure it so that it restricts the usage of the bot to certain jobs, limits the number of vehicles spawned, or hell, you could even make it so that you have to be whitelisted by staff only to use the droid. I like the latter better because that allows pilot leads in battalions to hold better tryouts and they can blacklist/have blacklisted anyone that abuses the privilege or does a big no-no with a ship/vehicle.

    I also believe it's possible to make it read the number of players connected and after it hits a certain number, it will disallow any vehicles to be spawned, and when the number goes below the limit, it will allow vehicles again. (But this can be super buggy as the number of players connected also counts people connecting that are not fully connected.)

    So, what i'm saying is, the workshop addon should not be just simple plug and play, it actually needs to be configured to avoid potential abuse.


  7. I have had limited dealings with you, Scribbles. So I don't really have a valid opinion on you as a player or person. As such, I will not state weather or not what you did makes you a good or bad person. 

    But TBH, this is the first i'm hearing of not one, not two, but four previous offenses that were not even minor infractions. If the message/lesson wasn't drilled clean into your brain the first four times, why should you be given a fifth chance, just so history can repeat itself once more? If you examine the times between the infractions, there is evidence that supports that you break rules, wait a couple months for everyone to "forget" what you did, then break the rules again, thinking you can get away with this shit forever. A lot of people may forget but there will always be people to remember what you did. Always. But this is just speculation from me and doesn't actually mean it's true.

    In all honesty, I don't even know why you bothered making a ban appeal if you're making it clear you don't regret breaking major server rules. I'm not staff and I know little of what really transpired in your previous infractions, or what went on behind the scenes, but I think you should have been given the boot after the second/third time. But hey, that's just me.

    Weather or not you should come back ever is up to the high staff members, but for me, I think you should take a very very long vacation from Synergy. Maybe when/if you ever come back common sense will follow suit.

    -1 ~Havok the Heavy

    • Agree 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Foxey said:

    All Regimental Commanders have rocket boots. The reasons for CG and Naval not having them (flying baton or lack of any armor/gear whatsoever) has little bearing on whether this job should have them.

    In all honesty, I can see CG Jet troopers pulling over LAAT's for speeding. :Pepega:

    As for the suggestion, +1. Couldn't hurt.

    • Funny 1
  9. On 2/27/2020 at 2:47 PM, Tahunova613 said:

    +1 ALL THE WAY


    Although will this increase spending on server management? How much do we even pay to run Main and Event?

    If Joah says it can be done, then i'm guessing either we can get a training server free of cost, or it can be paid for no harm no foul.

  10. +1 


    I can't tell you how useful it would be to have a server that a battalion can use for large scale trainings or a Gamemaster can use to test particularly large dupes. Hell, this would be extremely useful for 21st to host our GMACTs, and our CWW training. (Cold Weather Warfare).


    It can even possibly be used for ARC selections or SOBDE tryouts because the ability to be on a server with low pop opens up many possibilities.


    As stated previously, the server slots should be a maximum of 50 (Or 30) and the server shouldn't be public (to reduce risk of minges flooding it.) It should be assessable by the synergy start menu only, but that's just my 2 cents.

    • Agree 1
  11. 6 hours ago, Jagger said:

    It'd prob help at times to take a 3day - 1 week LOA to play other games and have that 'reset' from the gmod/swrp mental blob. 

    I agree with Jagger. Playing on synergy or any Gmod RP server 24/7 isn't healthy. It'll start feeling like a burden rather than a game. So it might help if you go play something else in your steam library for awhile, play another gmod gamemode (TTT, Gmod Tower, Deathrun, Cenima RP, etc etc.)


    Or you could also take a break from games altogether and enjoy dat fresh air outside.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Quebec said:

    It's so deep into the forums hell lol I never knew it existed. 


    Void this I guess

    Totally forgivable. The subforums are filled with so many suggestions, its easy to miss one that's already been posted.



    I would understand if they took jar jar or meena tills hostage. You can't replace either of them and we would be willing to negotiate for their lives. But for every clone that dies, another 10 are being recloned on kamino. So we shouldn't even bother trying to negotiate for clones. ESPECIALLY low ranking clones. Not unless said clone or commander has some SUPER IMPORTANT information that he has to live to reveal it. Oh noes! Lieutenant XYZ died! Its fine fam, we can make another one on kamino. Also they can't kill lore comamnders because....plot armor.


    Also aren't some base ops clones as well?

  14. Jania Pros:

    +beds you can actually sit on

    +you can actually walk outside the base and not have to climb a goddamn mountain to get from point A to point B.

    +working (but buggy) generator system.

    +a bar

    +a messhall

    +91st and 41st get their own house with a big yard. (The recon outpost itself has a ton of potential to just be an outpost.)

    +big ass Debrief

    +crystal caves for jedi

    +plenty of potential for large scale battle events.


    +big ass citadel with a ton of potential for sims.

    +Big ass gun to shoot frigates out of the sky.


    BUT: The map does have its issues. Lets name a few shall we?

    Jania Cons:

    -No place for CTs to spawn. (They should just spawn in CC spawn TBH)

    -Medbay was crap. High command bunks had to be stuffed inside of medbay because they had no place else to go. (And those rooms within the medbay could be used for quarantine and such.)

    -Speaking of quarantine, medbay had none. All it had was the raysheild that you could turn on from the outside to lock people in, which kinda defeats the entire purpose of a medbay lockdown if anyone can just push a button and walk in.

    -Lack of bunks. Rancor had to roll out sleeping bags in the bar, and high command had to make offices in the medbay as previously stated.

    -Jedi temple is tiny

    -Map has poor optimization and causes a lot of FPS drops and lag spikes.

    -The gun doesn't work, we have to pretend it shoots at ships.

    -NO RAILINGS IN GENERATOR ROOM. People could easily fall to the bottom.

    -Events are limited due to the insane tick rate drops when NPCs are spawned.

    -The garage (Lower hangar) has no door. Literally anyone can just walk on in, take the elevator and they're inside our "highly secure" military base.



    Look I think Jania is a neat map, but the issues above need to be addressed. Jania can be a fantastic map....if made right.

    Synergy_Base is no picnic either but I think at the moment, it outweighs jania.







  15. 3 hours ago, Lucky said:

    SO got removed my man

     SO did not get removed, they were repurposed and made a sub unit of the 21st, so they were given a second chance.


    Also if we just yeet 2-3 entire battalions out of the server when people within X Y or Z battalion but their heart and soul to make the battalion work, the majority of the people within them aren't going to go to other battalions, they are just going to pack up and go to another server or just quit entirely. And if we remove 3 whole battalions, that's a lot of people that could potentially leave the server.

    I really don't see the harm in having a couple of extra battalions other than the usual attack battalion A or attack battalion B or defense battalion C on the server. 

  16. On 7/15/2019 at 11:05 AM, Holo said:

    No using it against NPC's

    we've seen many troopers in phase 1 getting into fist fights with droids in both the animated series as well as one instance in the actual movies it would make since for troopers to begin using knifes if needed in combat during phase 2.

    So you're saying we shouldn't use it on NPC's while at the same time saying we should use it on NPCs. 65% of the time NPCs are droids.



  17. Your resignation has been DENIED. 

    You may resign again in: NEVER.


    In all seriousness, I'm really gonna miss you Thermite. You were possibly one of the most patient and chill marines we ever had and a damn fine support trooper/med lead. It has been an honor serving under you since Jacien's term, and no matter what happens or where you go next, we will always have a place for you here in the 21st. 😥😞



    P.S. Hope your Minecraft server goes well.😃



  18. +1 I remember once I was saying in ooc about how awesome Wolffe was for surviving order 66 and I almost got beaned for it. Just ban ppl that intentionally advert or comms or spam order 66 instead of banning people for saying it in ooc. 


    Like literally its a dumb rule. And rules like this discourage people from playing on the server. Remember, we're Synergy. Not IceFuse. We actually give a shit about our players.

  19. +1


    Rocket launchers are weak AF rn. 3 rockets will deal 450 damage max to a single target. Not enough to kill someone with max stats. Hell a group of B1s manage to tank that shit with little effort. And you'll most likely die before you are able to kill a tank. So rocket launchers aren't really a concern. However to prevent massive rocket spam, they have to be hella expensive. Maybe 2,500 for 10 rockets or so.

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