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Posts posted by Trunks

  1. God I had quite a time with the 91st. I only came to synergy cause medic wanted to squad up again. Didn’t know I’d have such a great time. The glory days with medic, doc, royer, and all the others are some I won’t forget. I would laugh so hard I cried. It sucked to watch it fall so far after we all left. Just goes to show that things can change at any moment and the potential of one wrong leader could ruin what another built up. Sorry all you current (we’ll I guess former) 91st have to go through this. Most of you worked hard to get where you were. O7 to you guys.

    • Friendly 2
  2. OOC Name: Trunks

    Squeakiness Level [1-10 Scale]: 8

    Age: 28

    Why do you want to be in squeaker squad: Cause i'm literally the poster child for adult squeakers. We need representation for those whose voices never drop and i'm the one to do it

    Describe yourself in 1-10 words: Supposed to be gay but not

    Are you a squeaker: Yeah sure

    • Funny 2
  3. This has been an interesting read guess i should go too.

    1. I'm actually in my second go through of college as a Theatre Major 

    2. I love singing (having a high voice has perks) and i sometimes record covers of songs with audacity

    3. Currently play in an indoor football league as a CB

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