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Posts posted by Mixer

  1. 3 minutes ago, Esitt said:

    You are required to have a mic, so it has to be on the computer due to answering questions. 

    Oh alright. My mic and game are a bit laggy but Ill try. wait but on mobile TS I have a Mic on.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Esitt said:

    what a legend

    I cant find out how to message you but may I ask how the interview happens? Is it on TeamSpeak 3 or Discord? Also by the way, Can you recommend a Head Admin I should ask for an Interview today?


  3. 11 hours ago, Hueysherman said:

    Hey you still need to include your RP name: at the top, also you need to add a lot more in the why you want to be an admin section not tell us more about yourself. fix those and you should be looking at a pretty good app!

    Good Point I put it at the Top now! Hopefully this is good enough.

  4. I fixed it! I got the First Picture as a Reference for the Second one. Also, Thank you for reading it too! IT means a lot that you read my Application for Staff. I hope its worth your time!

  5. Name: TR 501st TC 1SG Mixer. I am also known as Nico. I am Mixer due to me becoming Torrent Company Mixer.

    SteamID: STEAM_1:1:155773513

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male 

    Timezone: EST 

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be an Administrator for the reason of sometimes when I am online, Staff are either AFK or Offline. Sometimes they are too busy to help spawn things for a sim. I'm usually on Everyday. But if I am busy, I can't go on. If I am busy one day, I'll be on the next day. I want to help out those in need of a Staff Member or Administrator. The administrator rank would get my reputation up as well. And While I am on, I can also take tickets that are needed for things. Especially when not a lot of Admins are on. So I'm here to be the Admin of the server when the rest isn't there. I'm doing this for people to look up to me. I'm doing this so people can trust me. I look up to everyone. Because they can help me become a better Trooper, (soon to be Jedi), and as an Admin. I like to help people. If they don't deserve it, I won't give it to them without permission from either another admin or an HR.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): ME being currently a 1SG, I would like to be on All Summer on the server. I can be on every day on the server if needed in the Summer. I get out of school June 22nd, 2018. That will change depending on when my school is canceled. And someday in August, I am going to New York. So that day or two I cant go on the server. I won't go Inactive either. Somedays I won't be online due to just not being able too. On August 11th, 2018, I will not be on because I will be going to New York. Some days my parents will just say that I need to take a break from the computer. I'm not sure when those days are, but during the summer, I will tell other Staff Members If I cant go on or not. I also have TeamSpeak 3 for mobile. So If I need to, I will contact you on TS if I can't get to discord. I love to draw and RP. One thing I have been doing for a while is writing a story about Synergy Roleplay's Jedis. I am currently making one about me and my friend being Jedi's (Due to me become VIP soon). I plan on making one of the clones as well. I draw tons of things and I make Microsoft Paint Characters. These are my two favorites. IT takes some time too. I enjoy star wars a lot. I've always wanted to be an ARC Trooper for Synergy but the selections are so late. So usually the next morning I would wake up and write a story About ARC Troopers. Including Being an ARC Trooper for the 501st. Cyan and Sky Blue are my favorite colors. I also love donating money to players on the server. It shows that I care for others! And I Do. I go to CREC Public Safety Academy Civic Leadership High School. A school about Enforcing Jobs like Firefighting, Policing, and Military and EMS, EMR, EMT, and AEMT. That means that as far as ranking and jobs go, This brings me farther to the job of a firefighter or Military. I love Roleplaying.


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