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Posts posted by Core

  1. Battalion: GAR

    RP Name: Supreme Chancellor Palpatine 

    Date: 5/20/18

    Reason: I've been playing GMOD for what is now like 4 years, I enjoyed many different experiences along the way but I feel as if I'm forcing myself to get on the server too much. College is right around the corner for me and I need to prepare for that, also I'm being very disconnected from my IRL friends because of this game which isn't healthy I shouldn't be spending half of my day sitting at a computer. It's been a good run as Palpatine I hope that most of you boys understand. Also quick disclaimer I'm not leaving because of the whole Jek situation I simply just need to get away from the digital life and move on. I leave to college late June early July to prep for a basketball team. A couple farewells before I depart. To Valhalla, I go. THIS IS ALSO A RESIGNATION FROM STAFF, TRM, GM, @Zim TESTER TEAM. ALSO IM NOT LEAVING WITH MALICE INTENT.


    @Tyzen Great Yoda alongside with Llama keep it up my friend.

    @Esitt Great Naval overall you deserve high staff my boy come to Valhalla when you're ready.

    @Freck Good lad, you deserve director hope you still there for as long as you need.

    @Square Great Senior Commander and good work as a director lets see what you can do.

    @conillim Great ATK Reg keep it up homie.

    @Quill Don't let the 501st fall keep it up.

    @Medic Great 91st BCMD sorry I gotta leave papa.

    @Night453 OMG thank you for being a good Blitz RANCOR will always be my home, hope I can still keep my perma COL. ;)

    @Egg Hope you go for Palpy one day would like you to be it more than anyone else TBH great lad this man is truly the best BCMD this server will and has ever seen PERIOD. Come to Valhalla when you're ready.

    @woeny23 Great SO Reg had we had a lot of good times together nice working with you bud.

    @Korm Great Kal I don't want Null to fall keep it up.

    @SquirtleKitty I've known you for like 2 years you're always taking high positions in the game good for you keep it up don't let these gay furies on the internet get to you.

    @BlackiSblack Hope you know you've always been a good friend of mine keep it up as Reg probably the only reg doing things.

    @Thexan GL in the military good work as Mace.

    @Nightmare  come to Valhalla when you're ready.

    @Mike "I will be Jar Jar" -Mike *becomes Jar Jar* good work as Jocasta.

    @Dragon Nice doing business with you congrats on owning the 1/3 of the market waste all the money and be the most OP person on the server. xD

    @Rush Cat Here I come you, white man.

    @Max I hope I lived up to your legacy if you're coming back to the server consider going back for palpy. 

    @Jorrdan Remove your voice changer hope we didn't ruin your life lol.


    @Ginyu No one else deserves the tag of "General Cards" 

    @Dargon John Dargon always was in a CMD position made me proud.

    @Pyle Great Shaaki Ti we both go home together.


    @Joah Cause you told me to xD

    @Jackson Why didn't you stay director jk

    @Those that I didn't mention and I talked to you only a daily basis hope you keep having fun on the server.

    • Agree 10
  2. Name: Core

    Who helped (If applicable): Jackson, Woeny, Arroyo, Qal, Alfa, Alexz

    Event Name: Snag and bag

    Summary of the story: Bounty hunters come to temple successfully steal holocrons and escape while the Venator was getting shot up with B2 droids

    What was the result of the event?: Holocrons are stolen all droids died

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up and kinda RP

  3. Name: Supreme Chancellor Palpatine

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:161163614


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: I was here since the server started with breaks in between 


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I wouldn't say I'm the best but my skills for communication and leadership are good

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes I do understand that if I'm inactive I'll be removed


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce:

    The Venator gets a distress call from Tatooine that the Geonosis are making a factory and its making droids and invading Tatooine the Mayor which is a Tusken raider of the town almost gets killed but the clones go and help him they then move to Geonosis with the mayor and his bodyguards to destroy the droid factory on their way there they get ambushed by droids they're going to have to fight their way to the droid factory. Once they all get there the Tuskens betray them and kill them all they wanted to get the revenge themselves they then went to the factory they were successful to stop to production of clones and they use it for themselves.

    PART 2:
    The clones get reinforcements the tuskens found a way on how to make the droids fight for them the clones have to find a way to push through the factory blow up the factory and kill the Tuskens we then go back to Tatooine to mass genocide the tuskens for murdering their brothers the tuskens still fight back because they already knew what was going on its almost as they were planning on this the whole time and once they killed them all they go to debrief then back to the Venator with the mission being successful.

    - Part 1 will be 1 life then they wait at spawn.
    - No tactical inserts in part 1.
    - The clones must not kill and tuskens in part 1.

  4. +1

    Most of your reasons for -1'ing isn't a valid reason to -1, like I haven't seen you around, or need more experience. Please give more of a valid reason, people get recognized from joining staff and that's how you get more involved with the community. 

    20 hours ago, Joshua said:

    I can barely see the text because of the color choice, people will want your application to look professional and would wanna be able to read your application whit ease(my opinion) so try and play around whit the colors abit. Back to the topic tho I will just say this as it is i have never seen you in a RP scene and I have never heard of you before so I would advise you to spend some time getting your name out there and you would make the perfect candidate 


    // Josh - New Admin 


    On 5/11/2018 at 5:17 PM, BigBurner said:

    -1 I feel you need more experience and to make a name for yourself more.


    On 5/11/2018 at 0:03 PM, JBFox said:

    Nicely written app, lots of detail. Im gonna stay neutral however. I think you should spend some more time to settle into the community before applying for admin. Good luck.


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