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Posts posted by COC4IN3

  1. 2 hours ago, IKE said:

    It’s not really punishing them though, it’s creating more safety for them. Like Phil said New Zealand are doing it after this mass shooting yet Donald Trump ceases to do anything about it. Over here in Britain Donald Trump is considered a joke to everyone.

    Thats not completely true... i dont think he's a joke!

  2. 20 minutes ago, Esitt said:

    You guys actually think senators have to much power and authority now? LOL

    You should have seen them when Max and I had our run, they were so overpowered you don't even understand. You could literally hold a public execution if someone ran into you, you also could AOS anyone and bail everyone out of jail. So the fact that people are saying they have so much power and authority that's nothing. What Quill said was very true and sums up the point pretty well. It is the person behind the character that makes or breaks the RP, if they aren't good then remove their asses, most people would kill to get a Senator position. Well atleast, back then they would, don't know about now. Welp, I will be keeping this open for a couple more days. Any shitposting or unnecessary comments will be hidden and the author will be warned.

    So to your last part, if someone is shit posting on here and its competely out of my hands i can get a warning for that? Makes 0 sense bruh

  3. 2 hours ago, Quill Khan said:

    I’ll give some insight on what Senators are supposed to be doing. Senators during my term were repeatedly reminded that they had no military power and could only suggest things for the bast to do. They also had no ability to AOS or forcibly make someone do something other than protect them. Also, what you’re talking about is a removable offense within Senators. I am personally of the opinion that Senators is a good thing for the server to have, but needs to be kept on a short leash. There should never be a Senator who is breaking character or doing something that isn’t in RP. We started having base meetings where officers, jed, and naval would all come talk to us, similar to an actual Senate meeting.  

    The whole point of Senators is to promote RP and if you’re saying that Senators are not, which could be, then you or whoever sees them doing something other than that needs to contact Mas Amedda and have them handled. 

    Also, Senators are required to fill out a sign-in stating when they were on, for how long, and who wotnessed them. This is done to keep them active and they can be removed for failing to fill this out. On top of that they also have to fill out a form weekly stating what they did in RP that week etc.


    We have low Senator right now because tryouts needed an overhaul. Beforr the tryouts got changed and we wiped Senators for lack of RP etc, we had over 15 people. I have no doubt that this system works and js effective.



    I respect that you have put it in detail for me but still doesnt really change my mind.

  4. 7 hours ago, GM-3022 Havok said:

    Having senators on base is way off the charts, but having Sith and Jedi who hate each other occupy the same planet, fight together on occasion, and be totally cool with that is totally fine? 

    I dont like how we have sith and jedi together, but having senators is just pointless...

  5. 11 minutes ago, Metro said:

    -1 its the Command and the members of the Senate currently. Don't blame the positions, blame the people.

    well all these people never seem to do RP then... its pointless having jobs if they aint being used right... there's just no real point to be honest.

  6. I see what you guys are saying but from what I have seen people who play as senators don't really do anything at all just mass amedda doing things that's all, personally I feel like senators shouldn't even be around but event jobs could see some sort of fit for them. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, CrazyFastNight said:

    -1, when y'all dont give us a chance to do stuff, dont complain we do not do stuff

    I'm sure there's plenty of roleplay things you guys can do with events... like have them as event jobs its better that way.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Finn said:

    Yes, because having 12 Battalions on 1 base, being on Endor 30 years before it was populated, and having Sith are all realistic.

    well no... not many things is realistic but having senators on the base is just way off the charts... 

  9. Just now, Pythin said:

    No I am saying I don’t agree with the removal hence the minus one. I think they should go back to one person. That’s the best option imp 

    but if they don’t then I would have +1 this suggestion 

    Oh right, maybe I read it wrong lol 

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