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Everything posted by Stak

  1. Stak


    not everyone is dadd
  2. Stak


    that was a quote dude this quotation system seems to have some issues.
  3. Stak


    @Freck originally dadd wanted to see how long it would take to get people mad enough to divulge into logical fallacies by bringing up things that have happened or are currently happening in the server. MY goal was to see if anyone would admit to there being problems with the server (which joah did, but while attacking via ad hominem). Since ad hominem attacks were being thrown around i decided to explain to people that those types of logical fallacies arent helpful even in shit posts. And here we are. Ad hominem
  4. Stak


    I was worried that someone didn't understand what it meant so i posted the definition. Ad hominem attacks don't help anything and usually tend to harm your point. ^ due to this comment. Stop being a petty pile of shit and move on with your miserable life. AD HOMINEM Since you still seem to not understand.. An ad hominem fallacy is committed when an individual employs an irrelevant personal attack against an opponent instead of addressing that opponent’s argument. Many discussions of such fallacies discuss judgments of relevance about such personal attacks, and consider how we might distinguish those that are relevant from those that are not. This paper will argue that the literature on bias and testimony can helpfully contribute to that analysis. This will highlight ways in which biases, particularly unconscious biases, can make ad hominem fallacies seem effective, even when the irrelevance is recognized. Yap, A. (2012). Ad Hominem Fallacies, Bias, and Testimony. Argumentation, 27(2), 97-109. doi:10.1007/s10503-011-9260-5
  5. Stak


    it's easier than going to my peer reviewed journals, but since you seem to think google is innacurate ill brb.
  6. Stak


    An "argument ad hominem" (or "argumentum adhominem," to use the full New Latin phrase) was a valid method of persuasion by which a person took advantage of his or her opponent's interests or feelings in a debate, instead of just sticking to general principles. not a counter argument it's a comment on the quality of the argument.
  7. Stak


    Came back to see we are devolving into argumentum ad hominem. in order to claim that you are of higher intellectual stock you should probably not use logical fallacies. I could make fun of your eyebrows all day, but it doesnt really add anything to the conversation.
  8. Stak


    No you're cherry picking the argument. I believe that we admitted that a small minority earned what they got. brb in a few hours.
  9. Stak


    I can message you personally if you really like, but it's easier to just ask you a simple question. Is there any favoritism on the server?
  10. Stak


    This has happen a little less than a week ago trijim.
  11. Stak


    We know Dill's a meme. Everyone does. My point isn't specific, but one example would be a few old high level staff members are shooting up their bunks, rdming, etc (aka having a bit of fun). Having CG respond to only be told to fuck off by other current staff. That's just an example of something that happened recently. I'm not going to name names (cause i like most of them), but you'll just have to accept that I'm not lying.
  12. Stak


    If there is anything that i actually think needs to be fixed in servers in general it's the ease at which favoritism spreads, but again that boils down to objective morality that no one seems to understand anymore.
  13. Stak


    Stop Joah get out while you can! get out the last 10 you have are probably what are keeping you breathing. Run!
  14. Stak


    Please tell me more about my intentions.
  15. Stak


    Shut up dadd, I'm trying to keep them mad.
  16. Stak


    @Joah #1. No? should I go get the screenshots I was sent of you talking with Jay (who not only code's in lua, but also a bunch of different coding languages) on steam after i messaged you? Your point Joah was that I didn't try to help. #2. Just because it isn't happening currently doesn't mean it wont be repeated and hasn't been repeated. repeated events over a long period of time would make an event likely to happen again. #3 I play at night about 3-4 days a week for a few hours at least. @Bolt Bolt if looking for something on youtube or google is exploiting, then everytime you searched club penguin videos you've exploited youtube. information you don't want on these sites should be kept off of it. OPSEC and Unless you believe in an objective morality Bolt, then nothing is wrong or right. It's all subjective. If you do believe in an objective moral law, and therefore an objective moral law giver, then, and only then, can you claim something is ok or not.
  17. Stak


    why cant it be all three? Joah was offering a perma ban to dad for messing with bolt. He was probably not serious since youtube is open source (meaning it isnt classified and open to the public) could i have whatever youre smoking though
  18. Stak


    You do all know dadd tries to see how fast he can piss people off right? He messaged me in discord saying he was making a shitpost thursday. for you all it seems to take 1 day to notice, and a few hours to resort offering bans and insults hahaha
  19. Stak


    damn the shred their argument with evidence tactic. I like it. The hole you came from must be full of logical reasoning.
  20. Stak


    I love the server, and i like you medic, but there is a lot of truth to what he's saying.
  21. Stak


    Medic we've been here since Icefuse had debrief in MHB. half the shit he's saying is true regardless if you like it or not. "Spawn in waves in groups of at most 20, so that the server does not crash. Do not spawn recklessly or on top or close to players." - event channel (three more). Name one female player since the advent of the server that hasnt risen through the staff ranks faster than most male members (some earned it, but most of them Pfffttt). RC have generally sucked in PVP compared to dadd (so compared to him his analysis is accurate), and have complained before countless times about not having RC weapons (which just happen to be OP) Server tends to be slower than most servers (even with help from other server devs (eg. Jay). So far most of the facts have been checked, and i'll get back to you with more when you are able to be more objective in your views.
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