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Everything posted by Hudson

  1. 3/2/3 I am become death, destroyer of frames.
  2. 5/5/5 But I'm biased, because I got to RP. Loved that.
  3. 4/3/4 Great work, story was good even when it changed here and there towards the end.
  4. Hudson

    CIS Madness

    4/3/4 Not a bad little event. The AT-OT was interesting to play with, I'd like to see that elaborated on.
  5. 76561198062169412 And yes, m'lord I shall follow the rules next time. I think it has something to do with character creation
  6. Hudson

    CIs Attack

    3/2/4 It's getting a lot better. Spawns are definitely frequent, but less so right on top of people which I can get behind. There's always room for improvement, but this is a great middle of the day event. Story wasn't there, but the action was!
  7. Hudson

    Massive CIS ATTACK

    1/2/3 Spawns were too much imho. Things were all over the place and I was confused on what was happening consistently. The move to Thesh was jarring and I wasn't clear on the reason for it either. There is room for improvement, and I do see elements of a good events in there, it just needed to be fleshed out.
  8. I lost the 1 Million credits I won the other day in a competition, I also realized I lost like 700k of the 1 million I had before winning. I'm sat here left with 300k credits essentially.
  9. Name: Hudson SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50951842 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: About 1,400 hours. I've been here for a while. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 9.5 Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I've seen a lot of events in the last few days that have been lackluster and I want to change that. I like a good story, and I think everyone else might too. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yep Link us to 2 documents. One that is a deployment for the event server and one for a main server event. These will likely be the first events you do as a GM: Deployment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fY2pEY21WbvFMZGobNZAKaLjwH--LCumvIoNeTl5kUY/edit?usp=sharing Main: https://docs.google.com/document/d/136mAv4EFtpe3KBGNmgDEMsACW2y-eA_DU5VhvxDoM0k/edit?usp=sharing
  10. 4/4/5 No issues, very simple, but sometimes that's all you need.
  11. 3/2/2 I've returned to the server after a few years, this is not up to the standards that I remember. The amount of enemies was fine, but I felt like while everyone was allowed to play with their toys, nothing felt meaningful. No story, just a shoot-em-up. It's fine, but not for almost an hour and a half.
  12. 5/10 Story was there, execution needed more time. Event was disjointed and felt like 3 things were trying to happen at once.
  13. 7/10 nice work, could use a little attention to details here and there, but otherwise, what I would call a "standard" event. Well done.
  14. Hudson

    Greiv error

    Was there for the back half of the event so I cannot give it a fair rating. What I saw was enjoyable however. Although I must repeat what Rohan said, if you're not doing well, feel free to ping me in TeamSpeak. I'm here to listen if you need.
  15. Hudson


    5/10 It was stuffy. The story was there, but execution was poor.
  16. Hudson


    Okay, Egg well let me explain what I can. 1. I have less than 9 hours in Gmod in the past 2 weeks because the first week I was out with the flu for the whole of it, this week I've been taking on many hours of work and have only been able to make time for little stints in between. 2. I never tried to remove any of your officers while they were on LOA because of natural disasters. I was asked to remove you from your position, because, at the time you weren't contributing in any positive manner to the battalion. This was at the direction of some of the staff team that found that it was worrying. I had given you 2 warnings and then removed you due to that. 3. I most certainly did my best during my regimental term in prior to not only hold those evaluations (which you never took part in) but to play with a battalion in the regiment daily if not hourly. 4. Shaak Ti as a Jedi, at least lorewise spent most of her time with the clones, training them, working with Rancor. And at the time that I was Shaak Ti, I felt that I embodied everything that I needed to as their battalion jedi, and I implore that you ask any Rancor that was there with me if it was a positive experience or not. Please don't lie to my face and say it isn't a vendetta either.
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