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Everything posted by NewColossus

  1. +1. I'd like to apologize, had a new wifi that was set up incorrectly, only just got it back on. sorry for crashing Grievous, looked fun though!
  2. +1, cool idea. However, the problem I had was with Naval comms, they were telling troopers to Kill on Sight even though negotiations with Jedi were happening. After about 5 of these, the troopers opened fire and hell broke loose.
  3. Bug Type: Forum Severity(1-3): 1 Evidence(if you can): Attached file Description of Bug: The link for the Ranking Structure in the Forums does not work. The doc is either deleted or unaccessible. How can we recreate it: Go to 'Battalions & Roleplay' -> 'Announcements' -> 'Clone Wars Rank Structure'
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