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Posts posted by Llama/Yoda

  1.  Korm was one of the most genuine, friendly, and welcoming people this community has ever seen. If there's a Heaven or a Valhalla he is most assuredly there. Since I heard earlier I have been trying, and failing, to process the news. Just the other day I was watching his stream and I can hear his voice so clearly right now in my mind. I've been thinking about way back when, my mom was sick and I wasn't doing well and Korm was one of the people who was comforting. Not much to say but I am going to miss him, and I know everyone in this community will too.

    • Winner 1
    • Friendly 4
  2. +1 I think this is an excellent idea. Also perhaps we could shift the NPC's around a little bit to find a nice equilibrium. It would be great for NPC's to have a lot less health as well so that the entire server would feel less bullet spongey. Might encourage people to actually get into the mindset of the character a bit to have to deal with problems in a similar way as a clone from the show. This would solve the "events would be too hard" complaint as well. By this I mean having NPC's overall have lower base health and do less damage. Along with event jobs.

  3. Nightmare is quite frankly the best Master the Jedi Order has ever seen, and that's not even Hyperbole. He is the longest standing Master, wise beyond his years, and has given me and every other Yoda advice without which the Jedi Order would have gone to shit a long time ago. If you want the Jedi Order to thrive right now, you need to make Nightmare Yoda ASAP. +1 get it my boy.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Hayley said:

    1. Was abusing powers as Ahsoka, got removed by staff ( And no I didn't get him removed, nor did I want him removed, he got caught by someone and got himself removed)
    2. Minges during debriefs, has broken PTS and gotten arrested.
    There's much more I can go on, but you get the point.

    3. Also was told by ex 187th members that you went around telling players and staff that I deleted 187th documents, when I never did. You went around telling people that I never sent anyone documents. (Was told my multiple people the same story.)
    I also have no hate for Sniff. Hate is a strong word, but I do believe with the way he acts on the server, he is not ready for a position like this.
    Let's keep this civil.

    I shall keep this as civil as your comments warrant.

    1. Staff didn't remove him from Ahsoka I did. This decision was made after I was given a false account of events which you perpetuated by reporting it to several different people who then came to me with said false report. He also didn't abuse Ahsoka powers, you made that miserable excuse for a report and it failed because you were dead wrong. He got removed for battle meditation which I now believe he didn't intentionally do, but of course at the time I had several people spreading that false claim which you invented, and perpetuated.

    2. He broke PTS once by mistake and was arrested once and it was falsed. So don't pretend that this happens consistently.

    3 You've disliked sniff since he got Ahsoka because you were rightfully removed and then failed the trial on lore 3 times before screaming at me that it was unfair. So let's not act as if this is anymore than deliberate malice on your part.

    Please don't lie on apps, it's not a good representation of the applicant.

    • Funny 3
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    • Friendly 1
  5. Battalion: Null 

    RP Name: Sergeant Kal Skirata

    Date:  December 15th, the year of our Lord 2019

    Reason: I'm tired. I want to go home. Nah but for real I just haven't been as passionate about the server nor having nearly as much fun. You could attribute it to the transition from Ordo to Kal, or you could call it burnout or real life being busy. Regardless I just wanna retire to a nice spot in 41st with Egg and the boys and relax. 

    Goodbyes: this is legitimately tough. I have loved being Kal and before that Ordo, and I think I've done a good job. Part of that is loving the boys I've had under me. Gonna try to fit everyone in here but who knows if I'll fit it all 


    @sniff Couldn't get the @ thing to work but anyway. Just letting you know you're a fantastic Ordo, and will make an amazing Kal should you decide to stick with it. You've been running the squad.for a bit now and I can't wait to see how you do as Kal.

    @Tinovious Brother get the heavy flamer. Also sorry I wasn't able to follow you up as Kal as well as you deserved, but oh well we'll play arma.

    @Snow My boy you're now the longest standing SO BDE member. Sorry I'm leaving but you know my heart just ain't in this anymore. The people I played for just aren't here anymore for the most part.


    Every other Null lad I've had under me: sorry k can't write all of you a little blurb but honestly I'm tired and thought it was time, just know that I love all y'all and I'll be there to support whatever you do.


    @Fyi You'll do an amazing job leading SO BDE, good luck brother and who knows, I may return sometime soon.


    And the rest of SO BDE, you boys are great, make papa proud.


    @Nightmare You're a quality Arligan keep going.


    @Wynter Best Bardan.


    @Egg I'm coming home


    • Friendly 4
  6. Hey y'all thank you for the support and the feedback. I don't mean to bail on running or anything, but upon reflection I think FYI will do an excellent job, and I think that this particular regimental position would just burn me out. Kal is really fun for me at the moment and I wanna stick with that and be with my sons for a while longer. Thank you for the opportunity and my apologies to everyone. Maybe next time around though.

    @Sanchez Resident and Marvel please go ahead and mark this denied and give me the whole shpeal. 

    • Funny 1
    • Winner 1
    • Friendly 2
  7. Steam Name: Llama Thor


    RP Name: Kal Skirata


    Steam ID (SteamID Finder😞


    Regiment you are applying for:

    Special Operations Brigade



    41st (Icefuse):

    This was easily the most fun I had on Icefuse. I was a low NCO when Egg first got Gree, and quickly rose through the ranks of his 41st until I reached the rank of XO. As XO I helped get the battalion organized, worked on forming battalion meetings, and more importantly tried to make the game as fun as possible for members of the battalion during the times where Egg could not be on. I gained a lot of experience here about leadership, communication, and life in general. Legitimately I came out of that battalion a better person than I was going in and I am very thankful for the time I was an officer in the battalion.

    Defense Regimental Commander (Icefuse):

    This was my first Regimental position, this included 104th, under Jayarr, Doom's Unit, under Literal, and 41st, under Egg. I focused mainly on DU during this time as they were struggling then, but overall I hosted meetings, communicated with BCMD's, and attempted to make sure the Jedi participating in my Regiment enjoyed the experience. During this time I learned a lot about what it meant to be a less direct leader, and less direct influence on a Battalion. I had to be helpful, without being overbearing and running a battalion for people. This is easily the most important thing about being a Regimental, leading indirectly. Presenting ideas and helping out where you can, without being the BCMD yourself. I think this will more or less be the objective as SO BDE regimental as well, to help the squads and check them when they're struggling, but to still let the squad leads have the independence they need.

    Yoda (Icefuse and Synergy):

    This is what most people probably know me as. I loved being Yoda, it was easily the best role I think I have been on this server, or any server for that matter. This was when I think I really flourished as a leader. I learned how to get the best out of the people working under me, how to take in others ideas and compromise when you need to, and when to stick to your guns and go with your gut. I learned how to organize an extremely large group of people and make it feel like a community within the community, and also how to lead a small group, being the council, and make it feel like a family. I learned what the obligations of being a leader are, and how much you owe to the people under you, and I learned how to work hard even when things look difficult and it would be easier to quit. This position taught me things I legitimately think will stick with me for a long time and I think this is what truly prepared me to be a Regimental now, as it helped prepare me to be a Squad Lead now.  Under myself and my council the Order did extremely well, branches were filled and trials were attended heavily. But more than that I think the RP of the Jedi Order was really solid, this likely came from realizing that it's better to reward RP, battalion work, and trial hosting in equal measure, and that's what we did.

    Recon Regimental Commander (Synergy):

    This was my second time being a Regimental Commander. I think I did a much better job this time, despite the lessons I learned I spent a lot of time as Defense Regimental Commander micro managing my battalions, I didn't want this to be the case again and I learned from my mistakes. This time I let the BCMD's run their battalions while providing a level of input they were comfortable with. I built relationships between each of the battalions under my command and attempted to build these same relationships with battalions outside of my Regiment as well. I used my position as Reg to help my battalions at the top level, so they could continue to run themselves independently, and I could help them with inter-battalion relationships, as well as any high command related issues that came up. This is where I had to learn a lot about trust. As Yoda I could just step in if someone was making mistakes or handling things the wrong way, but as Reg I had to just try to turn it into a lesson for them and then trust them to move forward using the lessons they learned from that experience. I had to trust the BCMD's to take my input and do something useful with it if they wanted, but also I had to trust them enough for them to be able to ignore it and move forward with their own plans. Recon Reg was a great experience for me and I honed my leadership skills here quite a bit. It also prepared me for what was next.

    Marshal Commander (Synergy):

    Marshal Commander was easily the second best position I ever held on Synergy. As Marshal I furthered what I had learned from Recon, although took a different approach. Now I could be a direct influence on the way all battalions did things, while also still allowing them that autonomy to run their own battalions. This was enabled by a Palpatine, and General, who were both very willing to help me push through different RP changes and rule adjustments that, I believe, allowed for RP to be the focus of most battalions. While still allowing them to have their own goals, interests, and policies. This was also compounded by the changes we made to High Command to allow the High Command positions a bit more freedom to change things for their regiment and bring forward new ideas that could improve the day to day play of the people under them. Unfortunately my time as Marshal was cut short to only about a month and a half, but still I think it was valuable experience, and would serve me well being in High Command again.

    Null/Kal Skirata (Synergy):

    I first joined Null shortly after the server opened as it's first A'den. I loved being in Null. The characters, the lore, the armor, the weapons, and the people in the squad were all great. We were definitely more toxic then I will admit, but I always focused on RP, and public relations. I spent a lot of my time with Rancor where they eventually treated me as a second Warrant Officer, high praise for Rancor, where I built a strong relationship with the people in the battalion. This interaction between myself and Rancor actually became the basis of the first outreach system within Null. I eventually left A'den, and then much later the server. When I came back I knew immediately where I needed to be, I had to go back to Null and be A'den again. I rejoined as Jaing and then swapped over to A'den and I loved every second of it, I also served as Arligan Zey during this time. Under Venom and Tino, who were both excellent leaders within the squad and who helped me learn even more than my previous positions had taught me about leading a small squad, I loved how RP and lore focused it was. We spent hours talking about our characters and how best to play them, and we really were also excited to show people we could faithfully play our characters and not be rude to people and treat them poorly. When Tino moved up to Regimental Commander I was his Ordo, I then made the choice to move up to Kal. Despite having School and work going hard on me, I still managed to keep reasonable hours and complete my sign ins, I also tried my best to make myself someone that others within the Regiment could look to for leadership and advice when needed, and I think I succeeded in that. I hope this time was proof of my ability to lead within SO BDE.



    Why should you become a Regimental Commander?:

    I believe I should be the SO BDE reg because of my experience, leadership ability, and lore and RP knowledge and focus. I will break these three down individually now. First off is my experience, as listed above I have held many positions, some I didn't mention because I didn't deem them relevant but nonetheless, I have held many high positions both here and Icefuse and have quite a lot of experience within SO BDE itself. From learning about properly roleplaying a Null, to how to run regiments and groups both large and small, my pas experience has built within me a healthy knowledge of leadership, as well as what it takes to set a strong example on the server. My experience has also taught me a lot about how to deal with people, how best to communicate with them and how to build and improve strong relationships on the server, something that will be key as SO BDE Regimental. Next I want to focus on my Leadership ability. As mentioned I have a lot of in-server experience, this is what has built up a strong leadership ability for me, and what allows me to speak with confidence when I say that I could lead the SO BDE regiment. I know I can help direct squad leads when there are difficulties, I know I can properly deal with mingey behavior and other issues that naturally crop up in a regiment like this one, and I know for a fact I know how to set a good example for those beneath me. I also know I can build strong relationships outside of the regiment because I have had to it before, and I have done it well. And of course thirdly my lore knowledge. I have read ever Karen Traviss novel in the Republic Commando series, I have watched the unseen episodes, and I know just about everything you could ever want to know about any of the squads in my Regiment. This isn't just useless knowledge when it comes to this server either, this can be used to assist in guiding how members of the Regiment roleplay their character, and how they act when on their job and on the server. It can also be used when trying to create different simulations, events, and RP scenarios in order to really bring out the best we can of all of these amazing named characters we have in the Regiment. So overall I think I am the best choice for my experience, leadership ability, and my lore and RP knowledge and ability.

    Do you understand the lore of your regiment?:

    I may even know too much about it yes.



    Monday -Thursday: 7:00PM CST - 2AM CST although I am contactable through discord and will have off days during these times that adjust this

    Friday - Sunday: 5:00PM CST - Very Late. This actually changes much like weekdays, it depends on my work and school schedule, this is just what I can absolutely guarantee I am available for, I am also always contactable on discord.

    Give a brief overview of your achievements on the server:

    I will just formulate a list here:

    Vet admin


    Head Admin

    Chief Of Game Masters


    Recon Regimental Commander


    Marshal Commander


    Several other Jedi named characters

    Rancor Commander Colt

    41st Commander

    Do you have a microphone?:


    Where do you want your regiment to be at the end of your term?:

    I would like for SO BDE to be active, full, and having  a great time. That being said there are many factors that come together to form these things. First off I want to try and get more outreach stuff going, not just with each persons individual outreach, but perhaps getting all of SO BDE together to work with battalions together. I have already started this by contacting Rancor about ways in which Null and Alpha can work together more closely, as well as Null working with Rancor as a whole as a way to prove to the rest of the community that we are interested in being a part of it and providing something for the rest of it as well. I also want to get more SO BDE RP scenarios and events going. This will take a lot of talking to Game Masters but some of the best RP I have ever seen has come from when battalions get to go on their own events, where everything is more controlled and direct. I want SO BDE to get this more often, although this will require working closely with Game Masters to make it happen. Thirdly I want SO BDE to be seen as the best roleplayers on the server. I want everyone else on the server to see our regiment as an example for how to conduct yourselves, as well as how to roleplay and effectively play your character. This will be a difficult task, but the main thing is going to be just making sure we go into every interaction with others on the server with a good attitude, and that we focus on what our character would do when it comes down to RP, while also remembering that it is a game, and people are here to have fun, not just us. So that is basically the main three pillars that will form my plan to improve SO BDE.

    How do you plan to improve relations within your regiment?:

    Well SO BDE does a great job of sticking together and working together between squads. The main thing I would actually work on is getting each Squad it's own breathing room to work together as a squad. I want each squad to still feel like they are a proper squad who work together. Not a part of a huge battalion of named characters. While this may be controversial, I think it will allow each of the squad leads to have their own time to flourish and prove themselves as leaders. Of course we will still stay connected and we will still communicate and stay in the same channels most of the time, but I moreso mean during events and such, where perhaps for deployments the squad leads can directly lead their squad, which I think will also add to immersion, and really feeling like each squad is it's own unit.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:



    Do you understand that your position has a two month term limit and you must reapply after two months to maintain your regimental commander rank?:

    Yes I do.

    • Agree 1
    • Winner 1
  8. +1 From all of my interactions with you, you have been extremely fair and professional. You have my respect, and of course my +1. You are active, have the faith of the battalion, and have a good head on your shoulders so you get Kal Skirata's fat +1 even though Null are better. 

    • Agree 1
    • Funny 1


    16 hours ago, Sixta said:

    I appreciate the input friend, 

    I understand that people still remember my term as Gregor but I also want everyone else to understand that happened ten months ago. 

    I truly believe that I have changed in the duration of those ten months and have matured greatly. 


    Thanks for your input,

    The reason why I have not been hosting EU ARC trainings is because I have been told by Rancor HC to not host any of them outside of the scheduled time and that they wanted it to be "more rare". 

    Also, I have been in Rancor for over 4 months now and have reached the rank of Major. I believe Rancor HC would not entrust me with such a rank if I was "barely seen".

    I appreciate you worrying about me getting burnt out.

    With my time as Cin Drallig, I have obtained managers for most branches which removed the workload from me. The Jedi Order has grown and improved immensely since getting the role of Cin Drallig, and the work is equally distributed across the council. 

    Hopefully this clears things up. 

    1. You are a Major and have fewer responsibilities within the battalion than the Warrant Officer, aka a member of Rancor High Command, and the man you @'d, as well as nearly any other Officer in the battalion in total.
    2. Based solely on your statement to Oddshot, you don't have much of an understanding of the way Rancor High Command works, as a former Colt I will explain it to you. Rancor is effectively run by Commander's Colt, Blitz, Havoc, and Valiant, as well as the Warrant Officer being Hammer. As well as any extra officers who are determined to be of sufficient ability regardless of Rank. There may in fact be other people at your rank who are currently a member of High Command despite being at the same rank as yourself. Billet and ability always come first within Rancor long before rank. This being the case we can infer there are other officers who, in the opinion of Rancor High Command, are of a greater ability than yourself and therefore are actually trusted enough to be involved in the running of the battalion and who would likely be welcomed as a BCMD. From what I understand this is not the case with you, and if Rancor High Command doesn't trust you enough to bring you into the fold in that way, I simply cannot trust you with my +1.
    3. I actually and genuinely do like you, but from everything that I personally saw, Cannon carried the Temple Guard branch as a Manager, and Bro carries it by actually playing on it substantially. Temple Guard is a incredibly important branch in Jedi, and the fact that it yet lives and hasn't been spoiled by time is great, but from what I have seen from an outside point of view, very little of that has anything to do with your ability in terms of leading them. In your entire time as Cin, according to your trial log, you have hosted 2 Temple Guard trials in total. Can we trust you to host ARC training's? There are a total of 6 Jedi Investigators including yourself, seems like a limited number to me, has anything been done with this branch since it's inception? Also since November 7th only two Temple Guard have been recruited. Yes I know filling TG can be hard, but when Serra Keto is the only one hosting trials and can only get two people clearly something needs to be done and things need to be fixed. Since October 29th there have been 20 TG trials hosted, in that time only 3 new TG have been recruited and the rest have not been attended by anyone. Of those 20, 14 were hosted by your Serra Keto, other Managers should be pulling their weight and so should you. It isn't a good look in my eyes to be running for a BCMD position that has so much influence over the rest of the server when something like Temple Guard seems to be getting so little effort out of you. It seems to me like Rancor may just be a shot you're taking at being a BCMD, and I see major difficulties for you, these being that based on your time as Cin I don't feel like Rancor will get the kind of effort it will need from you, also without being a member of High Command at all I fear you may be out of your element as Blitz, as well as lacking the trust of the Current High Command just adding on to the litany of issues I see with a potential term with you as Blitz.
    I genuinely do not want this to be a personal thing, but I just can't support you moving into a battalion that I fear you aren't ready or able to lead. So this has to be a -1 from me brother. 
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    • Winner 8
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