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About Empire

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  1. Empire

    41ST EOT

    5/5/5 very well event had great rp all around for all roles :)
  2. +1 SlopDrop is a great commander and actually understands gmod isnt a life he is a very understanding person who you can just chill with and has done great work as commander since ive been in the batt I look forward to what else he has planned
  3. +1 Very well rounded person has great ideas and is a great senior nco i look forward to your events best of luck
  4. +1 I dont know the dude really but if a person has the drive to change how he acts on a video game so others can enjoy it and so he can enjoy it that is someone that deserves to be in a commanders position truly shows the man is unselfish and is actually trying to make a difference don't judge someone completely on their past that's ignorant
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