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Posts posted by BigZach

  1. Steam Name: BigZach

    RP Name: Wolfpack Major Dash-1129

    RP Rank: ARCL Major

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:199586816

    Battalion or squad you are applying for: 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion


    This is yet another time where I get to stroke my ego by typing out my server experience while also walking myself down memory lane. Obviously having been around for 4 years there is a lot of variation within my experience of the server, so I will list what I have done and hand pick options that I feel are relevant.

    104th Mechanised Assault Battalion

    104th was the “first” battalion I joined. I was reeled in by an enthusiastic boy called KJ and stayed for the incredible company. This is where I really developed my initial knowledge of the server and I can’t think of a better place to do so. I learned how to conduct myself in events in an organised manner. I learned how to listen to orders. I learned about the culture of the server.

    After leaving for a while, I came back to the 104th as a place of refuge from my sad days of battalion hopping. Keep in mind I came back a few times during my battalion hopping days. In this time I learned a lot about the smaller cultures of the server, how different battalions had different ways of operating and appeals, issues etc.

    Before applying for my Recon Reg term I was 104th Commander Sinker, surprisingly this was my first time within a leading position in 104th, and I really enjoyed it especially being surrounded by some great people that were in 104th at the time. Ever since 2017 104th has been my go to place to hunker down, it’s felt like my home base in a way.

    Republic Medics

    I joined this battalion after leaving CG as a CSM. I joined it because of how chill Turbine was when I trained him to be a TR. When I first joined there was BCMD Meds (Turbine) and an English Commander. My first ever officer promotion was earned by complaining about how ugly the comms color was and how much I wish I could use the advert chat. This was quite weird and kinda undeserved but I paid the battalion back by putting all my effort into it. I would then go on to get Executive Officer after just missing the deadline to apply for BCMD and then applying for BCMD and getting denied due to the battalion's removal. I made some great friends in RM, the people in it were so positive and fun to be around. Most importantly is what I learned. In RM I learned that having a positive battalion that had fun and participated in RP really increased the enjoyment of my time and the enjoyment others had. I learned the key responsibilities of running a battalion and had my first experience of proper leadership. This also led to my deep path down medical RP on the server. 

    Galactic Marines

    After RM, I joined the Galactic Marines as a PVT and got those pesky GMACTs in a time of struggle for GM. I would stay long enough to become Ki Adi Mundi and go through, probably, their biggest drama to date. Here I learned about the dualities of drama and how to act as a supporting role to a battalion. I also learned how set core values can influence a battalions culture. I really enjoyed my time in GM and as Ki Adi Mundi. Especially serving with Snadvich and Jacien when they were BCMDs even if they were struggling.


    After the removal of RM my focus shifted to Naval as I was already a high NCO Rank and Senior Medical Officer. However during this time the leadership of the medical branch were incredibly preoccupied, which led to their inactivity. The CMO was removed and I was put into the position not long after. This was during the high point of Naval while Freck and Essit were Admiral. I was able to turn Medical, which was the worst performing branch, into the top performing medical branch which topped Quartermastery which was leading before I got CMO. During my time I was able to reach the rank of Lieutenant and ITD, but left before I was meant to get Commodore.

    However on endor with Base Ops I did reach Colonel and CMO after it was opened back up post reorganisation. But I didn’t make the best of this opportunity. I procrastinated too much and lacked the drive that was needed. I then came back with the position of Wilhuff Tarkin but still couldn’t find the drive to relearn the Naval Culture and participate properly, however I did have some great RP as Tarkin.


    When I became Padawan I joined the consular branch as a means to join the Healer sub-branch to help out Avavel and to have all my characters as medics. However the council made a decision to lock Sub-branches to Knight+ so I was promoted by Tyzen to Knight I for being half of the active healers. So I then joined Temple Guard ironically and worked my way up to Sentinel Manager and participated in the Jedi Trial grind till I was contacted and promoted to master. This was a surprise and a gift to me. This would lead to me becoming Ki Adi Mundi. While being a Jedi Master I learned about how they were organised so well and had a decent democratic system. I still commend them to this day for how well they are organised as a council and make it work, most of the time..


    During my 4 years I’ve done a lot, I’ve changed a lot. So here is an incomplete collection of positions I’ve held:

    RM: XO     104th: CMD, REGL, Sinker, Dash-29     CG: 2ndLT
    Sith: Lord     21st: Jedi General Ki Adi Mundi         Recon Reg
    CO: PVT     Staff: VA, TRO, GMO                 Jedi: Master

    I have to shout out 212th here. After coming back to the server and getting front row seats to 41st drama I joined 212th as a clone and Jedi. I still have my Jedi there. But the point I’m trying to make is 212th as a battalion and the people they had in there kind of resparked my passion for the server. 212th is an incredible battalion. I always thought I’d never like being in 212th due to how big it is but it really got me interested in the server and I’m thankful for that. Fuck bacta though I love that guy.

    On the server I think the main issue that stopped me from making it anywhere truly meaningful is that I could never dedicate myself properly, and I never really noticed till now. Even in my personal life I’ve made great strides to figuring out who I am as a person. This run at the server I really want to make it properly meaningful so when I finally do leave the server I leave it proud rather than leaving it wishing I could have done more, maybe then I could break the resignation cycle I’ve been on. So this time I’ve come with determination and resolve.

    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

    104th has been driven into a slightly scary spot very quickly. We’ve had surprise after surprise. If I’m honest I would have loved to wait after a hypothetical Dark term to see my thoughts on BCMD then, however that’s not a possibility at this time. So I’d like to take initiative here and take a risky move and hope it pays off. 

    I should be a battalion commander because I’d like to say I know 104th through and through. I know the people, it’s history, how we’ve operated etc. Here is my pitch if I was at a job interview:

    I should become a battalion commander because I have great communication skills and try to communicate effectively. I have gained tonnes of experience on the server, almost accumulating to  four years. This means I have an advanced knowledge of the norms and “going ons” of the server. I can use this knowledge and my communication skills to help shepherd those that may not be as knowledgeable. I also make use of useful decision making techniques like SWAT for larger decisions. These techniques are great as they help you perceive the different aspects of the decision.

    I would say over my time on the server I have made great relations with those of all shapes and sizes. If I have any sour relationships with any folk I’d be more than happy to sweeten them as I’m not really one for holding grudges. I don’t think having fun and having “serious” rp are exclusive from each other. Different people have different tolerances in how they RP and some people don’t RP because of some people that give it a bad reputation. I kind of look at it from my perspective of playing DnD for the first time. I used to think DnD was some over complicated thing for loser nerds, not a gamer like me. But after playing it with an open mind and with some great people I had an incredible time and it kind of changed my perspective on RP and how other people may view it.
    I can adapt to new situations and environments easily. I enjoy leaving my comfort zone and I like to be committed. I find conversing with others easy and I’m not afraid to ask confrontational questions.I love discussing things especially when it comes to making decisions as it can lead to developing ideas or refining execution.

    I also have a decent understanding of Business Management topics. I could use this to try and incorporate different evaluation techniques, decision making routine, and maybe some brand/marketing techniques. I think using these techniques and understanding them can be incredibly beneficial. Using these or at least thinking about them  in relation to battalion issues can help with separating your feeling from something and getting a more objective closed in view to help inform your thoughts on something. 

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes I do. And if I didn’t I would’ve read the wookiepedia before writing this application.

    Availability: The only days I’m not really available are Monday and Thursday. Keep in mind though I may or may not be british

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 4 years on November 21st.

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:


    Under brooklyn as BCMD we had some incredible days when it came to numbers, it was a pleasure to see. Obviously one of my primary goals is to see this happen again and have it hopefully be a semi-consistent sight. I plan to achieve this by bringing up the battalion’s quality as a whole, this would be done with quality of life changes and possible streamlining of 104th conduct.

    Officer Core

    After little change to the officer core under Brooklyn leaving us not really ready for his resignation I’d like to make sure the opposite is at hand at the end of my term. I would like to make sure the people I’d leave the battalion to would be comfortable and have a more optimistic transfer between BCMDs. Picking officers is definitely a priority and helping them understand their role and how to conduct themselves is incredibly important.

    What is the role of an officer? To me they’re day to day leaders that help the NCOs get the hang of things and clear up misunderstandings. My ideal officer would be someone that’s ambitious but not too abrasive. I want to see my officers be people that even I can look up to in a BCMD position, I'd be able to learn off of my officers while they can hopefully do the same in relation to me.

    More Tangible Things

    I plan to work on a document that outlines ideas for easy trainings or fun things that the NCOs can host to not only entertain themselves but others on the server. This would consist of hopefully 10-15 easy ideas to get the NCOs started. With this I hope to focus on ideas that don’t require any server staff so that non staff NCOs can host them without having to rely on the inconsistent nature of staff and their taking of tickets. I feel like the document will benefit those that may struggle with ideas and such, like I used to when I first joined the server.

    I also plan to look at all the trainings that 104th are responsible for and check if anything could be done better. I don’t plan on wiping any trainings however it will most likely be rewording things that could be worded better and or small adjustments to rules or procedures. Keep in mind changes will only be made if I find any actual issues and discuss their relevance with the battalion.

    One thing I’ve noticed within my time on the server is that 104th is usually more of a tight knit battalion. I would like to try and open us up a bit. I want to see inter-battalion training, more interaction with other battalions during events, working with other battalions during events etc. I’d really like to see 104th help others be entertained on the server and hopefully other battalions will return the favour and even do the same to battalions that aren’t 104th.

    Staff is a huge deal on the server. I want to encourage those within 104th to be staff so they can reap the benefits not only for themselves but for the battalion and server as a whole. I understand a lot of people can go into staff without much Gmod tool experience or admin experience, I would be helping any 104th server staff that had any issues basing my answers on my previous experience of staff, and if I can’t answer a question I’d make sure to forward them to the correct people so their not on a wild chase for answers. I realised how beneficial having server staff within battalion ranks was after being in 212th and my oh my 212th is a sight to behold. 

    Edit: I also plan to rework the 104th merit/point system. Instead of it being a system to soley gauge promotions I will make it used to gauge winners for trooper of the fortnight. I plan to give trooper of the fortnight have a substancial reward. Most points and commendations within a fortnight get's trooper of the week and get to select a prize I offer, be it VIP etc. Obviously points can be used to inform promotions but I think making the benefit more substancial would greatly increase their usefulness within the 104th.


    In Conclusion I’d like the 104th to be in a state I’m proud of and a state that I can leave to others without feeling guilty before I leave. And I plan to do this with trial and error if I have to. I am not good at planning ahead too far so this is what I have in the works so far.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes.

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes.

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