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Posts posted by Jemmi


    RP Name: Jem
    Steam Name: 1jem11
    Steam ID32:  STEAM_0:1:656655550
    Playtime on Garry's Mod: 406 hours
    Playtime on SynergyRP: 378 hours
    Age: 22
    Timezone: EST

    Please list all your previous experience as a developer (Include as much as required):
    6 months assistant modeler/texture artist for a vr studio, 7 months as a independent model/ texture artist, as well as about a year or so of experience with blender and unity.

    Please send your Github or Portofilio page (If you have one): https://github.com/Jemm11/Model-Portfolio/tree/main/Model Portfolio

    Do you have any previous being a developer on Garry's Mod?:  unfortunately not, but ready to learn.

    How much time could you dedicate a week to development?: anywhere from 10-15 hours may differ by a few hours from week to week

  2. -1 

    Hasn't done anything with in the battalion in terms of recruits, hosting trainings/entertainments, or event leads. sits in ts and complains about "current state of Rancor". was given his rank due to legacy, and hasnt currently put in the effort that warrants getting bcmd.

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