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Forum Onion

Forum Onion (1/6)



  1. @Xaze i have played with reactjs in the past and have helped my buddy who works react often, so I'm no expert but can for sure work with it
  2. +1 wow inky has a brain?? yeah his stuff looks legit and is an active dude
  3. RP Name: BUB | Trauma Steam Name: Agent BUB Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:245275137 Playtime on Garry's Mod: 1k+ Hours Playtime on SynergyRP: 408 Hours Age: 20 Timezone: EST Please list all your previous experience as a developer (Include as much as required): - Worked with Forums software such as Discourse and Invision | 3 years - Built custom websites from scratch with EJS/SvelteKit/Express | 4 Years - Worked with templating languages | 2 Years - Built Some small bits of software | 1 Year - Created Discord Bots | 6 Years - Been Coding on various platforms with various languages like LUA/PHP/JS since 2017ish, so like 7 Years Please send your Github or Portfolio page (If you have one): - Github: https://github.com/AgentBUB - Portfolio: https://agentbub.dev Do you have any previous being a developer on Garry's Mod?: Yes, I have worked on a Gmod server and my own personal messing around a bit. To be honest, It isn't a whole lot of time, but I have a very basic understanding of how Gmod works, how servers operate, and Gmod's LUA structure. How much time could you dedicate a week to development?: I can likely dedicate around 4-12+ hours a week depending on my schedule. Note: Since there isn't a slot for it other than the title, I want to be clear I'm applying for Forums Developer since I am a web developer and Gmod LUA is insanely annoying.
  4. BUB

    Republic Testing

    5/5/5 a nice small event that was fun to have cause nothing else was happen, well put together
  5. +1 this guy actually cooks fr, let him cook for the server God bless
  6. +1 this guy is really cool, active, and a good guy to work with... also that doc for his first 6 weeks is crazy so yeah let him do that
  7. 5/5/5 loved the TU stuff and the event overall, good work bananananana
  8. BUB

    Zero Hour

    5/5/5 really fun and diverse enemies, amazing stuff
  9. 5/5/5 ben got rocketed right in front of me
  10. 5/5/5 loved this, so funny, was 10/10, God bless
  11. 5/5/5 amazing scouting, amazing rp, overall loved it all... the dupe was the best
  12. 5/5/5 funny rp with the traders
  13. RP Name: BUB (Currently: Trauma) Steam ID32: STEAM_0:0:245275137 VIP (Y/N): Y Age: 20 Timezone: EST Tell us why you want to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I'd to be an admin so that I may enhance the experience of others and myself. Being able to help handle tickets as they come up to help the server run smoothly would be a good way to help ensure the server I enjoy so much stays enjoyable. I'd also like to be able to help out battalions with giving whitelists, running sims, and the normal things I see myself asking for staff for every day I'm on. Being a staff would also let me continue to help out new players with CR training and general help. I've currently done a few CR trainings since I got the certification when I became an MSG in Rancor, and I find it to be a good way to help out new players and get them sorted out nicely. Additionally, I'd not mind helping out more in events as currently as fun as EJ is, being able to actually help move props and myself more easily would be a great thing to take some stress off the gm. I'd also like to make some of my own events later on when I get to SA, and I'd be able to help build dupes and such for those who need it but can't since I enjoy building things. Finally, from those I've talked to, it seems that being staff just enhances your own experience on the server since it makes handling things like recruits, battalion events/sims, and similar much easier as you can just do what is needed instead of waiting on a staff to respond to the ticket! Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a college student that just enjoys hanging out and having a fun time with others in my free time. I enjoy helping others and working hard to build up things that have fallen into disrepair or just need assistance. I tend to like to help be a leader since I've been told over and over that I make a solid leader, so I strive to continue to work hard and take feedback to actively improve myself so I may provide helpful tips to others so that they may improve alongside me. I also try to put 100% into everything I do no matter if I dislike certain aspects of it! Do you have any previous staff experience? If yes, please elaborate on what you have accomplished: The most relevant position I've held was within an SCP RP Gmod server. I had staffed on the server for around 8 months and got to the highest rank before Senior Staff. I handled most types of situations that would be standard within Gmod when it comes to people doing simple violations to crazy instant ban offenses. I was also a game master on the server for a few months after I had transferred from staff before I discharged. I've also worked my way up in a plethora of non-gmod games like FiveM where I have achieved ranks from basic staff all the way up to community leadership. Additionally, I've run my own communities outside of Gmod. This all gives me heaps of experience handling unruly people, helping others, and providing a good experience for those on the server. How many hours of in game time do you currently have on our Clone Wars server?: 254
  14. BUB

    fleet engagement

    5/5/5 i liked running around on 1 health blowing up pods cause bobby couldn't hit me, and then flying around shooting droids yeah yeah yeah cool event
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