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Everything posted by SleepingRavens

  1. 5/5/5 clorox on top
  2. good event much fun
  3. I'm going to say +1 on this. Simply because of how in depth the docs go and the description of the other comments. You stated you'd be gone in at least well over 2 months, meaning that's 2 months at the least you can help the team thrive and put out good dupes for us! And you go into immense detail on your docs as well, such as listing lives for EJs, the HP/Armor, what enemies you plan to use, etc. I do like that open communication on what your plans are for the deployment. Even if you wont be around for long, I can imagine it'll be a good while no matter how short.
  4. +1 Sounds interesting in my opinion. Like the ideas!
  5. +! I love dudes docs, they're in depth for sure and the aesthetic to them is so fucking nice...
  6. 5/5/5 Master Raven was the best EC
  7. Name: Raven SteamID: 76561199147791463 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: definitely around 700+ hours, I last checked on the 19th and had 571 hours, my game hours itself is 12,669, all on StarwarsRP, and a lot of that was spent as a Gamemaster on other servers. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 4, I know the basics of what is necessary to know, I've seen the animated movie and some of the clone wars series, I'm slowly getting through the clone wars series when I can. Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I want to join the gamemaster team so that I can help the server when possible. I have a fair amount of free time, I already help make dupes for some gamemasters events, as well as training dupes for some units. My building skills are good in my opinion, and I would love it if I could use those skills for the server to benefit off of. I used to make deployments up to 20+ times a week as a job. Whether it be deployments I hold, or on base events, I will always put my 100% into it. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: yes I do understand this, and will keep it in mind as I continue my time on the server/team. Link us to 2 documents. One that is a deployment for the event server and one for a main server event. These will likely be the first events you do as a GM. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yK3GmWZ8_ORLr0BbkKJmSdnb-ZzWp0Z7PigZrS3FuZ0/edit?usp=sharing The deployment one is set up as an eventping format i used to do, it gives a lot of information in it so I used the format, sorry if it causes any confusion. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z3zP51Uaju-GKyMOUqkUl2czrpp_znPpL87d6bh7dUA/edit?usp=sharing
  8. 5/5/5 I was here for half but definitely enjoyed that half
  9. 5/5/5 love yall GMS :D
  10. 5/5/5 fdiuahfdahwfd was good
  11. 10/10/10/10/10/1000000 best event like make him owner
  12. 10/10/10/10/10/10/1;10;10101010-101010 10/10 event I loved it so much
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