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About KuroBearQ

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  1. Bug Type (Server:): CWRP 1 Severity level (Low - Medium - High): Low Evidence (if you can): N/A Description of the bug: Lost around 2.5/3 mill and 350k renown How can we recreate it: No idea | i made a naval went back to trooper and then i saw i had no money anymore
  2. +1 I may not be in the 21st anymore but when i was Irons Really did a lot for me and was a really good BCMD. He is always there for you. if you needed a hand or had any question. even after I left 21st I still could always come to him for anything Great guy and a better BCMD
  3. 5/5/5 Best training/event i had. I loved the team splitsing at the end :3
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