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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2017 in Posts

  1. Name: Barriss Offee or just Joel (steam name is levelupjoel) Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:95371345 Final day of work (Must be three days later): 9/17/17 (I dunno wtf three days later means lmao) Reason for leaving: So I'm not just leaving staff, I'm leaving the whole server. Sorry. But I have a happy reason that isn't being burnt out. Number uno, when I first joined Icefuse back four or so months ago I was absolutely depressed. Like I was in that teenage phase of depression where it's not only because I had bad shit going on but because of hormones and all that. I've dealt with worse, but this was still pretty bad. So I put all my time into this game, which I really enjoyed doing. I stopped working out, or enjoying the outdoors, and while I didn't exactly "waste" my summer vacation, I wasn't really doing anything productive. So school starts up again, and I join a charity club to start getting my resume up. Next thing I know, I'm enjoying myself outside of Synergy which was pretty surprising to me. So yay, I'm not completely hopeless. I still hopped on after all my AP homework and shit was done, and did what I could. But then reason number deus comes along. I was being considered for being removed from Barriss (4 days or so after I got it) for being inactive. I was on every day of the week (I played for four or so hours, which cut into my sleeping time to where I was only getting five hours of it). That completely destroyed any motivation to do anything in this community for me. I was doing my best to help, but it wasn't really appreciated or noticed. That leaves no reason for me to be here. I want to improve myself or others, and even if I enjoy being Barriss and playing on the server, I'm not really improving anything about myself. So once no one really cared if I was here or not, I kind of just lost interest. So while I do still enjoy playing on the server, I have to quit completely. It's too addicting for me and no one gets anything out of it. So while it'll be hard for me, I gotta go. I hope everything goes well for Synergy, and it continues to do well. Farewells: @Cmo You were the worst master and the best naughty hole executioner, and if I hear Jo-el out of your mouth ever again when referring to me I'll have to get on and destroy you @Purepwn101dunno if this is the right Pure probably not but hey you were pretty lit so hell yeah . Battlefront II multiplayer mods better fucking happen @Kip+1 for being a cool mother fucker byei @vanhorn F u for not having a forum name that's easy to remember but you are the cool mother fucker and I hope you enjoy your eternal quest for popcorn @Washington Bye bb sorry but the marriage isn't working out (JK you were a cool mother fucker fixing my leg and all that) @JacksonI forgot who I liked more you or woeny but hey you were pretty lit the like three times we talked @woeny23^ @DargonI can finally make a black joke without fear of being in trouble. Here we go: Ha your black @Forgebest 101st commander and temple guard overseer hope everything goes good for you @Gene_StarwindGalactic marines will always be my favorite battalion sorry I couldn't become KI adi Mundi @Baxter The worst Atin I know, but fuck man I don't know any other Atins. You're gay for leaving Kellers unit tho I miss your cape and I may or may not miss you gay boi @Bobonater3 Best other father master person I had, so thanks for that. @Square I resign from being your robot and 104th SGT1 or whatever the fuck I was (thanks for being lit) @Zyner Thanks for TGTV and you too @Mocaris that was some fun shit. Both of you are awesome as hell. @everyoneelsewhoIforgotcuzIdunno Love you all, the community has some shit to improve on but I think this was the best one I was apart of on Gmod. Good luck with everything guys
    1 point
  2. Void, Im going for SC BCMD,
    1 point
  3. +1 great guy and brother, I SWEAR THIS ISN'T F A V O R I T I S M
    1 point
  4. +1 Have seem him plenty and he definitely has been one of the better people the 187th has (IMO).
    1 point
  5. Oh then we should remove you from RC Punda? You are a Vet Admin after all. So you should be concentrating on staff rather than a named character...
    1 point
  6. Good post my friend, but unless the community as a whole changes attitudes nothing is going to be fixed anytime soon. The one thing I remember about the server is that everyone was very unenthusiastic about alot of stuff, from even basic RP to even getting on the server. The entire atmosphere on the server just screamed "NOTHING IS FUCKING GOING ON" so alot of people would just be tabbed out/not even on the server because its a waste of time. Its upto the players themselves to find the motivation to encourage RP and create scenarios. If you dont have motivation to get on the server, then dont get on. Noone is forcing you to play and be miserable. Ive played a fuckton of gmod in my time and taking a step back and playing SWTOR was probably one of the best things Ive ever done.
    1 point
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