Clone Wars | General

[Clonewars] Sub
10 USD
  • Non Permanent
  • $4,000,000 in-game credits delivered monthly
  • Temporary Sub TeamSpeak Channel

This is a separate rank from VIP which renews at $10 monthly

Automatic activation. Access can be removed if banned or abusing.

You must log on to the server during your 30 day subscription window in order to receive your credits. If you do not log on to the server within that window your credits will be deemed forfeit and will not be given to you at a later time. You will however maintain all other perks associated with this package.

Please submit a store support ticket to receive your teamspeak perks:

You must be signed in before purchasing!
[Clonewars] VIP
25 USD
  • Permanent
  • Access to exclusive VIP Jobs (Jedi/Senator/Bounty Hunter/Events)
  • Access to permanent "Fists" SWEP
  • Access to permanernt Clonewars [VIP] Rank
  • 30% discount off in-game ammo purchases
  • $300,000 in-game credits

Permanent Clonewars [VIP] Rank. Automatically activated.

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.

You must be signed in before purchasing!
Dioxis Grenade
80 USD
  • Permanent
Grants a permanent Dioxis Grenade

This average looking grenade contains one of the most lethal concoctions of biochemical warfare known to date.

Please abide by Simulation / Event / Server Rules, and be mindful when using this god-tier weapon. We are not liable for any breach of community rules.

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
Tactical Insert
10 USD
  • Permanent
Tactical Insertsion SWEP, perfect for rapid deployments!
Automatically activated. You will spawn with this every time. 

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
DC-17m Shotgun
90 USD
  • Permanent
Grants a permanent DC-17m Shotgun

This is an incredibly powerful gun, capable of mowing down any CIS in your sights

Please abide by Simulation / Event / Server Rules, and be mindful when using this god-tier weapon. We are not liable for any breach of community rules.

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
Wrist Flamethrower
100 USD
  • Permanent
Grants a permanent Wrist Flamethrower

This is an incredibly powerful weapon, capable of dealing AOE damage.

Please abide by Simulation / Event / Server Rules, and be mindful when using this god-tier weapon. We are not liable for any breach of community rules.

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
Swep Bundle
50 USD
  • Permanent
Contains all 6 store sweps [fist not included]

Automatically activated. You will spawn with this every time. 

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
Cross-Arms (FRONT)
10 USD
  • Permanent
Cross-Arms (front) Swep. At Attention pose for troopers.
Automatically activated. You will spawn with this every time. 

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
Cross-Arms (BACK)
10 USD
  • Permanent

Cross-Arms (BACK) Swep. At Attention pose for troopers.
Automatically activated. You will spawn with this every time. 

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.

You must be signed in before purchasing!
Surrender Swep
10 USD
  • Permanent

Surrender SWEP, perfect for Clone Protests
Automatically activated. You will spawn with this every time. 

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.

You must be signed in before purchasing!
High-Five Swep
10 USD
  • Permanent
High-Five Swep. Show your brothers some love.
Automatically activated. You will spawn with this every time. 

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
Finger Point Swep
10 USD
  • Permanent

Finger Point Swep. Perfect for directing firing lines!
Automatically activated. You will spawn with this every time. 

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.

You must be signed in before purchasing!
Middle Finger Swep
10 USD
  • Permanent
Middle-finger Swep. For flipping off your Commander.
Automatically activated. You will spawn with this every time. 

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
Fists SWEP
10 USD
  • Permanent

Fist Swep. Fist your friends!
Automatically activated. You will spawn with this every time. 

Your access can be removed if you are banned or abusing.

You must be signed in before purchasing!
Salute Swep
  • Permanent
Show your respect to your officers.
Trident Hilt - Burns on Use
20 USD
  • Permanent

Trident Hilt - Saberstaff

To receive this item, go onto the forums and select "Store Support" make sure to include your steam ID and state what specific saber it is that you're wanting. An owner will need to give this to you in the game so please be patient. We will be with you ASAP.

Rules do not apply to your class in game, you may use this freely.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
$1,000,000 Credits
10 USD
  • Permanent

Gives you $1,000,000 in-game cash (Clone Wars Credits)

This is a virtual, non-refundable item. Your access may be removed at any time if banned, or caught breaking any server/community rule.

You must be signed in before purchasing!
$3,000,000 Credits
20 USD
  • Permanent

Gives you $3,000,000 in-game cash (Clone Wars Credits)

This is a virtual, non-refundable item. Your access may be removed at any time if banned, or caught breaking any server/community rule.

You must be signed in before purchasing!
$6,000,000 Credits
40 USD
  • Permanent
Gives you $6,000,000 in-game cash (Clone Wars Credits)

This is a virtual, non-refundable item. Your access may be removed at any time if banned, or caught breaking any server/community rule.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
$9,000,000 Credits
60 USD
  • Permanent
Gives you $9,000,000 in-game cash (Clone Wars Credits)

This is a virtual, non-refundable item. Your access may be removed at any time if banned, or caught breaking any server/community rule.
You must be signed in before purchasing!
Custom Donation
Custom amount
  • Permanent
  • Custom Donation Amount

This does not give you any benifits, it simply supports the community and future development.
Please keep in mind this a voluntary donation; you will not recieve any perks and we greatly appreciate your contribution.