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The Union attacks 


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Name: Snadvich

Who helped (If applicable): Arroyo Alababar 

Event Name: The Union attacks 

Summary of the story: The union inplanted a AI in the Venator and it fucked with then 

What was the result of the event?: AI was destroyed and union members died 

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both
Sorry for the Retarted event jobs cloaking when Nearbye RC and SO

Edited by Snadvich
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Before anyone can reply to this I'm going to make something clear.

I'm extremely disappointed in the quality of the players and roleplay here. I did this exact same event in my prime days and it was loved for its creativity. Don't anybody here slander Snadvich because it wasn't his fault. The point of an event in this scope is to test how the player base reacts to a situation they haven't seen.

You all failed.

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+1 the guy who was supposed to negotiate (me) was the hostage a new twist on the story, i also like the part where the AI closed a lot of doors and we had to cut through them, blow them up or hack them it's a really intresting thing to do for events, everyone got to do something they're specialised in.

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