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CMD Gonk's attack


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Who helped (If applicable): Stix 

Event Name:CMD Gonk's attack 

Summary of the story: CMD Gonk's Fleet attacked the venator. 

What was the result of the event?: CMD Gonk left cause the RC he was looking for were asleep

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

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Sorry Snad but a big -1

Do NOT spam events, they become boring and it was not prepared at ALL.
Lemme give some examples of what I mean

- The event jobs were WAY too OP. There were about 10 people active during it and you had 3 event jobs with max HP and armor?????? Too make it even worse one was a droideka that pretty much 1 shots clones and another was a gonk droid with a flame thrower (? what) The event was long, this as only because the event jobs were pretty much destroying us over and over again.
- The event jobs were not supervised at all. I know Stix won't fuck up but whoever the droideka was, what the fuck? You were literally camping the elevator doors on 4th and one shotting anyone who came in, it was extremely cancerous.

- What the fuck even happened? I was talking to an SO PVT that we should go check on ER and I saw a CT PVT (Commando) walking in ER 1 second before we did. I follow him in and 20 helicopter grenades spawn out of nowhere? please explain
- Random infected came out of nowhere? please explain
- The spawning was extremely bad, especially in the beginning. You let the droids enter using docking bay, alright that makes sense, so we start pushing and are killing off the droids near airlock. Then out of nowhere we get flanked from every side by droids and after we manage to clear them, we get swarmed by infected? There is a rule about not spawning close or on players, this was ignored.

Please Quality > Quantity

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