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The beacon


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Name: Sanchez

Who helped (If applicable): (Valkyrie helped with the event idea) 

Event Name: The beacon

Summary of the story:  A group of specialized commando droids and a astromech droid tasked with infiltrating a republic venator soon found the ship the resolute asking for entery posing as troopers in need of help enter the ship. They soon realize that the commando droids aren't clones but cant seem to find the astromech it is soon found out that he is putting a tracking beacon in the bridge to call CIS forces General kalani then showed up to look for lux a but one commando droid escaped..... Maybe a part 2 who knows

What was the result of the event?: Kalani failed as he always does

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both

Edited by [SR] Sanchez [SA]
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