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A return, and an explanation for a LONG uninformed abscence.

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So, some of you old members from the 104th may remember good ol me.

I'm here to explain why I've been gone nine months. Some details might be cut, but here's the general gist of it.

My laptop went kaput. Lenovo fixed it, then it broke immediately after, again of no fault of my own. The warranty didn't cover their mistakes in repairing the system. After that 2 month fiasco, I didn't have the money to buy a new laptop for a long while. And after I got my laptop back for my birthday (give or take a few unfortunate incidents which delayed my return) I have been re downloading everything until today, only to quickly remember to come on to here.

I haven't forgotten the good memories this server has given me. Though a lot of my extra stuff seems to have been stripped due to absence (I really don't blame the server for it) I plan on regaining my mod and trainer positions asap. In other words:


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