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TayTay Tatooine "Traders" Invade


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Name: TayTay

Who helped (If applicable): Stix, Axar, Exhalted

Event Name: Tatoonie "Traders" Invade

Summary of the story: So 2 Sith steal a Nu-Class Shuttle on Tatooine and buy 2 droids to help invade the Venator and attempt to take it.

What was the result of the event?: The Sith took a Naval WO hostage and held up in Med bay then the commando droid started getting B1s and the Tactical droid pilot got into the Bridge undetected and took a Wookie senator hostage. The Sith were cocky and opened the door to med bay and were both swiftly taken out. Then the Clones cleared out the Bridges then negotiated with the tactical droid long enough so a Jedi could cloak and kill it silently. The Wookie was not harmed in the making of this event.

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with minor RP

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