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Andrew's Saving a Wookie Warrior


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Name: Andrews

Who helped (If applicable): Reddy / Patrick

Event Name: Saving a Wookie Warrior

Summary of the story: 501st and 41st were deployed to a unknown planet to rescue a group of enslaved wookies. In addtion, they were tasked with capturing the Gorverner of the Planet as well the Slave Master overseering the Slave Operation. When the Slave Master was captured, he sent a recording to his fellow brothers to come find him, get him back. The slave syndicate sent a dropship to board the Resolute. 

What was the result of the event?: The Wookies went back to Kayyshak, the Slave Master & Governer were sent off to a Republic Prison

Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up w/ Roleplay Elements

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